"We refused to Approve Minister Amongi's 6Bn request" - NSSF Board Chairman Peter kimbowa Reveals.

While Appearing before the special selected parliament committee investigating on NSSF Saga, Mr peter kimbowa Chairperson Nssf board revealed that no money was approved to minister Betty Amongi.

Parliament’s select committee investigating activities of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) have heard that the Gender Minister, Betty Amongi’s request for six 6 billion Shillings was irregular.

The Board Chairman, Peter Kimbowa together with other Board members on Wednesday appearing before the seven-member select committee named last week by Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among to inquire into the NSSF operations.

During the meeting chaired by Mwine Mpaka, he grilled the officials whether they had approved the Six 6 billion request by the Minister and whether it was irregular or not.

The controversial request was made through a letter from the Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Betty Amongi to the NSSF Board Chairman and it proposed to facilitate activities to grow the Fund savers.

In response, Kimbowa said that the Minister’s request was irregular and that the Board has not approved the money.

Different media reports indicate that Minister Amongi declined to re-appoint the former NSSF Managing Director, Richard Buarugaba after the board failed to approve the six 6 billion Shillings.

“The Board has not approved the six 6 billion Shillings because the Board isn’t fully aware of the initiative. The Board has requested management to come up with a comprehensive work plan and examine how the various activities are going to be resourced and we also examine the accountability matrix that will be attached to this project. This has not happened,” Kimbowa told the select committee.  

He added that a work plan is also accompanied by assumptions and that the focus of their action is governed by the regulations regarding voluntary contribution, which are not there.

Eng. Silver Mugisha, the NSSF Board Finance Committee Chairperson also said that the 6 billion came as an idea when they received the budget approval of Minister Amongi.

“When we sent the budget for approval to the Minister, the feedback was that it is approved but there is an idea that you allocate 6 billion for certain activities,” said Mugisha in part.

Mugisha further explained that when the idea came from the Minister, the NSSF management brought it to the Finance committee which resolved to evaluate whether it aligns with the Fund budget strategy, and whether the budget included the same ideas.

Asked by MP Mpaka about the initiator of the idea, Mugisha said that he saw the idea in a letter. Kimbowa then said that it was the Minister who wrote, a response that prompted more questions from the select committee chairperson of whether it request was regular.

Workers MP Charles Bakkabulindi also wondered how budget proposals are initiated at the Fund.
MP Mpaka then said that budgeting process is done through the management of the investments committee, investment projects monitoring committee, the board and later Finance Committee.

In response, Hassan Lwabayi Mudiba the National Organization of Trade Unions (NOTU) representative on the NSSF board said that it was irregular for the Minister to initiate the budget request.

After this confession by Mudiba, the NSSF Board chairman Kimbowa also confirmed that the 6 billion request was irregular.

“We stated very clearly that the Minister dealing with management on this matter was irregular, we have also stated that the board was introduced to this idea but the board did not consider anything until the documents were to come through the normal procedure of investment analysis,” explained Kimbowa.

While presenting a statement before parliament recently, Minister Amongi said that she had approved 6 billion after a work plan presented to a board meeting on 25th November, 2022.

She said that the money is under the NSSF operations budget for the current financial year 2022/2023.

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According to information the NSSF  letter was leaked with the hope that it would damage the reputation of the Managing Director Richard Byarugaba and Board chairman peter kimbowa.

But it has instead increased the controversy and it continues to damage the image of NSSF and the over 600,000 members are enraged.

Minister Amongi has denied any knowledge about the letter but it has her signature and according to the sources at the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development, the letter was leaked with her consent.

“She was told that the letter would seal off the fate of the embattled MD Byarugaba but the public has interpreted it differently,” the source said. Amongi who isn’t stranger to controversy.

The leaked letter also gave details how the minister and her group had met the Coordinator of Operation Wealth Creation Gen Salim Saleh whose intention is not known. However, sources say she dragged in Gen.Saleh so as to have her candidate (Patrick Ayota) named Acting MD and in turn would be made a substantive MD. Sources further say Ayota upon being named acting MD hurriedly organised a transfer of Shs6 billion which Mr.Byarugaba and board had refused to advance her in pretense that should use it to mobilize more members into voluntary saving with the fund.The latest information on the ongoing National Social Security Fund controversy shows the strategists of Minister Betty Amongi were behind her leaked letter.

According to sources the letter was leaked with the hope that it would damage the reputation of the Managing Director Richard Byarugaba.

But it has instead increased the controversy and it continues to damage the image of NSSF and the over 600,000 members are enraged.

Minister Amongi has denied any knowledge about the letter but it has her signature and according to the sources at the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development, the letter was leaked with her consent.

“She was told that the letter would seal off the fate of the embattled MD Byarugaba but the public has interpreted it differently,” the source said. Amongi who isn’t stranger to controversy.

The leaked letter also gave details how the minister and her group had met the Coordinator of Operation Wealth Creation Gen Salim Saleh whose intention is not known. However, sources say she dragged in Gen.Saleh so as to have her candidate (Patrick Ayota) named Acting MD and in turn would be made a substantive MD. Sources further say Ayota upon being named acting MD hurriedly organised a transfer of Shs6 billion which Mr.Byarugaba and board had refused to advance her in pretense that should use it to mobilize more members into voluntary saving with the fund.

The meeting between Gen. Saleh and the Minister Amongi group has attracted bad publicity for President Yoweri Museveni’s brother who is being accused of meddling in the NSSF issues.

The source said they thought mentioning that they met the powerful Gen Saleh would give them a mileage but it has instead backfired because the four-star general is said to be unhappy with dragging his name in this controversy.

The Speaker Anita Among, has directed the Minister Amongi to present a statement on the current status of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF).

NSSF, whose portfolio stands at Shs17.9 trillion has recently been marred with allegations of corruption and mismanagement – including the renewal of the contract of its former Managing Director, Richard Byarugaba who attained the retirement age of 60.

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