"We shall not dance to your tunes" Archbishop Dr. Kazimba, as COU Breaks tie with Canterbury over Homosexuality


The Church of Uganda has announced it has started the process of  split from Canterbury, the seat of the Anglican Church worldwide after  it blessed same sex marriages.

“From the first page of the Bible in the book of Genesis to the last page of the Bible in the book of Revelation, it is clear that God’s design for human flourishing is that we are part of a family  that is defined as one man and one woman united in holy matrimony for life and, God willing, a union that produces children. God’s Word has said that the only context for sexual relationships is in the context of a marriage of one man and one woman. This is a sin. Same sex relationship is a sin. The Church of England has sinned,” Archbishop Dr.Stephen Kaziimba said on Friday.

On Thursday, the general synod of the church of England which is their top governing body sat and passed several resolutions which among others allowed the clergy to bless same sex marriages, especially for gay couples who are already considered married by the British government.

Responding to the same, the Archbishop of the Church of Uganda said they cannot walk in the same line with the English church that he branded as being sinners in all they have done.

“The Church of England insists it is not changing its doctrine of marriage but, in practice, they are doing precisely that. If it looks like a wedding and sounds like a wedding, it is a wedding.”

Read more Click link :-https://www.freemannewsug.com/2023/02/dr-kazimba-spits-venom-as-church-of.html

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