"Why is Speaker Among Still Receiving Holly Communion"- Petitioners want Pope to probe Ugandan Catholic leaders.


BUKEDEA: A group of Catholics on Thursday petitioned the Papal Nuncio to Uganda seeking him to prevail over Ugandan Catholic leaders  who continue to give Speaker Anita Among holly communion yet she is unfit.

The Petitioners asked the Holy see to investigate all Bishops and Priests who have offered holy communion to Anita Among in order to establish wether this has been an act in ignorance or one induced by bribery

The 12 petitioners cited glaring examples to back up their claims against Among including that she is a third wife  to a Muslim man Magogo yet also her name has often surfaced in scandalous situations including alleged corruption, human rights abuse and land fights, some of which have ended fatally.


“There is need for a reconciliation of how a catholic being a third wife of a muslim man can continue purpoting to be fully prepared for catholic communion,” the petitioners said also asking church leaders to reject cash donations from the Speaker.

The petition was sent through Uganda’s leading Catholic leaders including Bishop Anthony Zziwa, the Chairperson Catholic Episcopal Conference, the

Archbishop of Kampala Paul Semwogerere and Soroti Catholic Diocese Rt Rev Bishop Joseph Eciru.

“Catholics are universally  taught through the catechism about the holy sacraments taken upon fulfilling certain conditions. Speaker Among has been shown on TV and on social media partaking  during holy mass.”

According Catholics in Bukedea and countrywide have been left shocked and questioning the strictness and commitment to catholic doctrine of  Bishops and priests who offer Among communion.

“There is fear that because Among walks about with huge amounts of cash,  that perhaps she could be  buying her way to the holy altar of Communion?,” the petition reads.

The Petitioners asked the Holy see to investigate all Bishops and Priests who have offered holy communion to Anita Among in order to establish wether this has been an act in ignorance or one induced by bribery.

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