7Hill City cleaners pledge to work tirelessly to clean city drainage channels (Emyala), Praise ED Kisaka for creating for them Job opportunity.

A group of more than 5,000 Kampala city cleaners has pledged to clean all city drainages, locally known as "Emyala". 

The group proclaimed this while speaking to journalists in a press conference which was organized by their leaders to clarify the previous demonstration by other cleaner groups at city hall. 

Faruk Bulime, the head of 7hill cleaners Nakawa division claims that had it not been for KCCA Executive Director, Kisaka Dorothy many of these cleaners would be hooligans, prostitutes, thugs, etc. 

"in 2021, Ed started up this great initiative of giving jobs to local people like us, we started as a small group of 500 cities notorious men 

and women but we are now transformed people" - Faruk said. 

He further said that the crime rate in the city is very low compared to previous years. 

Menton Salim, commonly known as Commander confirmed to us that 7 hills had been ranked amongst 

the biggest bidder to clean the city. 

"Our target is to see Kampala clean, selfish politicians are currently fighting us but we volunteered for more than two years. We are great supporters of President Yoweri Museveni"- Said Menton.

He also clarified the ongoing strike by other cleaners at city hall.

"Those people (cleaners) you normally see on media storming city hall while demonstrating are just stage-managed. There is a group of selfish politicians in the city who want to fight ED Kisika and all his developmental programs"- Menton. 

Namukose Lydia, a cleaner from 7Hills thanked KCCA and ED kisaka for empowering them as women. 

"7 Hills has gathered all tribes, religions, and the ghetto community. We clean the city by sweeping and extracting solid obstacles from drainages (Emyala) to enable the proper flow of waste"-Lydia.

She also noted that a number of them were sex workers but ever since 7Hills was formed, it helped keep them busy. 

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KCCA- When we imagine future cities in pictures or movies, they’re often cleaner and smart. The cleanliness in our imaginations is achievable in Kampala.

That is why at Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) under the leadership of Executive Director Kisaka we have embarked on making Kampala a clean and Smart city.

A,t the moment, there is Zero tolerance for littering, desilting, constructing drainages, planting trees, and sensitizing masses on the proper disposal of garbage among others.

However, this calls for everybody’s input for the dream city we want to be achieved. We need the active support of city residents, visitors, and businesses to help keep our city clean.

On Friday, a youth-led group took up the cleaning tools and embarked on cleaning and desilting drainage on the Northern By-Pass section between Busega and Bwaise.

At least 500 youth from 7 Hills, took up the initiative with support from KCCA.

Menton Salim the coordinator of 7 Hills says as youth they want to ensure they add a brick to the initiative to make Kampala a Smart City.

“All blocked drains are going to be unclogged, the drains that have been narrowed will be widened so that water can flow,” Salim says.

The group will also be cleaning Kubiri, Mulago roundabout, and Kavule.

Cleanliness of the surrounding is very important as a hygienic environment provides us with good health.

Without proper cleanliness, we will be exposed to various diseases like diarrhea, food poisoning, and skin infection.

The youth also went on sensitizing the locals living in the cleaned areas about the proper disposal of waste.

“We are going to periodically maintain the roads. This stretch between Busega and Bwaise is the entrance to our city but there is poor garbage management and the picture is bad to the visitors,” Salim says.

He asked Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) to support them beautify the road.

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