IRON SHEETS SAGA! Minister Kitutu narrowly survives arrest at State house, flees cabinet meeting.

Monday was business unusual as ministers gathered at State house-Entebbe for a cabinet meeting.

Everyone who drove there expected Gen. Museveni, who has been silent about the iron sheets bonanza saga to comment on the matter for the first time.

They had also got info that he is so furious about the saga and his hands are itching to fire, arrest, prosecute and lock up someone.


Since he had some other engagements related to finance he entered the cabinet room around 6pm.

We are told when it came to the iron sheets saga, he did not hide his disappointment and frustration for ‘fishermen/women’ he had entrusted to serve Ugandans only to steal from them. Simply put, he feels betrayed.

Gen. Museveni who was visibly angry and bitter said enough was enough, he can no longer tolerate this kind of thieving which he reportedly termed as ‘new’.


The debate, according to cabinet sources, reportedly almost turned into a shouting match when Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja who is also the beneficiary of the iron sheets bonanza attempted to comment on the matter defensively.

Gen. Museveni who was in a combative mood reportedly signaled her to ‘shut up’.


We have reliably learnt that Karamoja Affairs Ministers, Kitutu and Agnes Nandutu had equally drove to State house to attend the meeting.

However, by the time the iron sheets bonanza saga debate started, one of them was curiously missing: Kitutu.

This was conspicuously noticed when Gen. Museveni requested to hear a word from her.

Ministers who had seen her around earlier were shocked to learn that she had already left the cabinet room.

Thinking that maybe she had left for a short call—though she never returned— Gen. Museveni asked Nandutu to say something but her submissions were reportedly not convincing and everyone took note.

We are told, Kitutu had to flee State house premises as fast as her legs and car could carry after learning that Gen. Museveni was even pondering to order for her arrest at State house which could have caused her great embarrassment before fellow ministers.


State house sources have whispered to us that Gen. Museveni has since summoned Kitutu to defend herself.

She is expected to appear before him before this week ends.

Unconfirmed reports suggest that among other things, Gen. Museveni wants to politely ask Kitutu to resign rather than await his political knife.


Knowledgeable sources have further intimated to us that anytime from now, Kitutu faces arrest.

More details to follow…

Story By :RP online 

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