LIST: Uganda’s top 5 gay rights promoters.

Following the passing of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act, various camps have been linked to promoting the vice in various Ugandan communities including schools, churches happening places like bars and camping sites in the tourist districts of Kampala, Jinja, Fort portal, Mityana among others. In this edition we profile some of the top gay rights promoters in the country. 

We take this as our moral duty to expose some of the people responsible for the moral decay and promoting Homosexuality among our youths. It is a growing concern in the traditional Uganda society as homosexuality is openly castigated at various fora including churches, schools, and political gatherings among others.

Here are also  reports from various impeccable sources that the west through born again churches, politicians, law firms that the promoters of Homosexuality are receiving millions of dollars from their funders in the US and other European countries to spread homosexuality.

There are also reports implicating some of the promoters of homosexuality as working behind the curtains have even contracted fake marriages to cover up for their homosexuality acts while secretly recruiting youths to engage in the vice. 

See top 5 ranked gay rights promoters in Uganda:

Nicholas Opiyo:

The founder of Chapter Four Uganda is perhaps the most well-known gay rights promoter in the country as he uses his power and influence to lure young men into homosexuality. Opiyo is always in and out of the country to meet his donors and give progressive reports. He has also won various international awards for his role in the promotion of homosexuality in Uganda. 

Joe Oloka Onyango: 

Perhaps the mentor of almost everyone on this list as he taught all of them at the Makerere University Faculty of Law. This Law Don’s persuasion powers are quite evident as he has been able to persuade most of his law students to join the gay rights activism. It is not known if he himself is gay or not but unconfirmed reports show that he could be in a marriage for convenience with his fellow Law Lecturer Dr. Slyvia Tamale who is a rumored lesbian herself. 

Patience Muwanguzi: 

A radical feminist, student of Dr. Slyvia Tamale, employee of Nicholas Opiyo and daughter of self-confessed lesbian Juliet Mutesasira, homosexuality promoters do not come as indoctrinated as patience. Being young and youthful, she is always having seminars in single sex schools preaching the gospel of lesbianism. She is clearly the future of the gay rights movement in Uganda. 

Andreas Lutalo: 

Lutaro Andreas with his family

Another youthful Kampala lawyer who owns and runs a law firm in Ntinda called SKAAR Advocates which has been used to defend the homosexuals arrested buy our good police force. He uses his considerable financial prowess from money he gets from his US funders to defend and at times bribe police officers and judges to release those arrested of homosexuality. He is also a known long term homosexual though he is in a sham marriage to a widowed woman with children to cover up for his disability. (See photo below). 

Racheal Tumwebaze: 

This fierce activist is notorious for luring many young girls into lesbianism. She uses the cover of her boutique law firm in Nakasero to entice young girls into this evil act. 

She always buys them expensive gifts and tells how they can live luxurious lifestyles if they joined the homosexuality movement.

While there are more activists and promoters, these are some of the most notorious ones and unless stopped by all means necessary, our country will turn into a homosexual haven. 

They use money, power and influence to recruit our children and are protected by foreign governments where they receive millions of dollars for their activities.




Oloka Onyango


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