TOTAL CHAOS at KCCA as ED Kisaka’s frenemies are unmasked

Info reaching Red Pepper hysteria desk from Kampala Capital City Authority headquarters indicates that there is unease following news that ED Dorothy Kisaka is about to scoop a second kisanja.

Sources say some of those who haven’t received the news with enthusiasm is the Minister for Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan affairs, Hajjati Minsa Kabanda.

Sources say the Kampala Minister has not been in good books with Kisaka. One of the issues is because Kisaka is frugal when it comes to finance issues.


In fact it is alleged that on several occasions Kisaka has been receiving a lot of sermons and numerous calls from the Prime Minister’s office on the issues between her and Hajjat Minsa.

It’s alleged that since the minister couldn’t use the city councilors (where NRM has no numbers) to set up rebuttals, she has decided to use NRM structures especially those of Central and Nakawa Divisions with Mayor Salim Uhuru as her key ally.

The recent good example is a group of street cleaners who recently protested demanding for their salaries. Close associates of ED say this was stage managed and meant to cast her in bad light.

There are also issues to do with recruitment of new cleaners. The matter has polarized business at KCCA to an extent that minister Minsa had to storm the ED’s office demanding a one on one meeting. She was blocked.

We have also learnt that the office of the Kampala RCC is in bed with the minister.

According to sources, it is alleged that Kampala metropolitan police bosses have received directives from the RCC’s desk to execute orders of the minister.

We are also told the deputy ED Eng. David Luyimbazi is also in bed with the minister.

Sources say he still feels the full ED post was his.

There is reportedly a cold war between the two and in some cases the ED can give an order only to be diverted by her Deputy.

We shall keep you updated in our subsequent publication.

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