Breaking: Minister kitutu and brother Naboya kitutu remanded to Luzira over Karamoja iron sheets .

The Anti-Corruption court has remanded Minister Kitutu and her brother Neboya Kitutu to Luzira prisons for causing loss of public property, corruption and conspiracy to defraud the Government.

Kitutu was arraigned before the Court presided over by Chief Magistrate Joan Achiro on Thursday. 

The Court heard that between the month of June 2022 and January 2023 at the office of the Prime Minister's Stores, Namanve, Mukono District, Kitutu caused loss of public property in form of 14,000 pre-painted Iron sheets of Gauge 28 by diverting them from the intended purpose of benefiting the Karamoja Community Empowerment Program to her own benefit and to the benefit of third parties having reason to believe that such action would lead into a loss of the said property.

It is also alleged that at the same time, her co-accused Naboya a Peasant farmer and a resident of Bukawekha Sub County Namisindwa District received 100 iron sheets yet they were stolen property.

Kitutu is implicated alongside Joshua Abaho, the Senior Assistant Secretary Ministry of Karamoja Affairs Office of the Prime Minister who did not appear in court. Court has issued criminal summons against Abaho.However, Kitutu denied the charges.

story by #Daily Monitor.

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