ED Kisaka Updates on the final touches on Busega Market.

Dr Dorothy kisaka - KCCA's new roads construction project has started in earnest. In Lubaga Division, residents will soon enjoy the newly constructed Busega market. 

"The old Mubende road will provide a ckean access road and ease traffic congestion in the area".

KCCA ED Dr Dorothy kisaka- Lubaga Division residents will very soon be introduced to a new grocery shopping experience when Busega new market opens. 

 KCCA is putting finishing touches with the brand new access roads. 

The old Mubende road is under the KCCA KCRRP roads project that will see over 70km of roads in the city reconstructed. 

The chapter of potholed Roads characterising  salama roads andIndustriall area is beginning to close.

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