Fatal Accident in Mbale City, 3 children of one Family killed on spot.

The Police in Mbale City are investigating circumstance under which Seno truck FAO registration number  UBH126J/UAX012V carrying two tyres hit three pupils and  claimed lives.

According to ASP Faridah Nampiima spokesperson for traffic and Road safety Directorate, this happened today morning 12th/April/2023, at  around 7:30am at Hash Fuel station along Mbale-Tororo road.

Nampiima said police findings indicate that two  tyres of a deterred from the axle hit them to death on spot.

She identified the deceased as Namugosa Shakira 9 years a pupil of Malukhu Primary, Wasike Jane 3.5 years, and  Wasike Grace aged  12 years both of Nabuyonga primary School. 

The deceased are all from one family residing in Bugema, Indistrial city in Mbale District. 

"We have arrested the driver called  Lukenge  Geoffrey to help in investigations," Nampiima revealed. 

Faridah said that three bodies have been conveyed to Mbale City Mortuary pending  postmortem examination.

Our reporters on Groumd shall keep you Updated on this story.

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