I handed over Karamoja Iron sheets to CIDs as exhibit - Minister Nandutu.

Hon. Agnes Nandutu, the state minister of Karamoja affairs as well as Woman member of parliament, representing Bududa Districts has conceded to have handed over the karamoja Iron sheets which was shared to her by minister Kitutu.  

While appearing before the committe probing the karamoja iron sheets scandal, Minister Nandutu Admitted to have got 300 pieces of  iron sheet from the office of the Prime minister but through  her senior minister, Hon. Mery Gorreti Kitutu Kimono.

According to Nandutu, she was instructed by the CIDs  hand over to  them karamoja iron sheets. She say the returned iron sheets will be used as exhibits.

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Police and the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) are conducting investigations into the alleged theft of iron sheets meant for Karamoja region.

Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga told the press on March 13th that president Museveni had ordered for an inquiry into the theft of iron sheets and other relief items meant for Karamoja region.

To implement the directive, the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) requested Uganda Police and CID to carry out investigation into the Karamoja scandal.

Enanga says the presidential directive followed numerous complaints from the would be beneficiaries and other concerned citizens.

“The police and Anti-Corruption state unit continue to conduct a prosecution led inquiry into the alleged theft of iron sheets of Karamoja…As we are all aware the president requested an expeditious inquiry into allegations of theft of iron sheets and other relief items meant for Karamoja,”Enanga said.

Iron sheets meant for Karamoja region were misallocated to various ministers. The scandal was sparked off when family members of minister for Karamoja affairs Goretti Kitutu were found in possession of iron sheets meant for Karamoja region.

The scandal prompted parliament to initiate a probe during which minister Goretti Kitutu apologised for Mismanaging the Karamoja relief items.

Minister Kitutu said she had not been guided thus misallocating the Karamoja relief items.

Despite her apology, members of Parliament from Karamoja region have continued to demand for the resignation of the minister for Karamoja affairs Goretti Kitutu.

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