MBALE: City mayor thumps wife - breaks her hand.

One of the wives to a city mayor is nursing a broken arm after getting involved in domestic violence with the husband who happens to be a Mayor in one of the City Divisions in Mbale City.

It is alleged that last week, the Mayor got into a fight with his wife at there home late in the night, beating her to an extent of breaking her arm. 

The fight was kept a secret  till when we were tipped off by one of the shamba boys who confirmed to us that the mayor thumped his wife badly. 

'My Boss started by complaining that one his sons had sold one of his buildings without his consent, the exchange with his wife kept ongoing from 12 midnight but at around 1am the fight erupted and the next day I saw madam with plaster on her arms"- Shamba boy.

The mayor is a great member of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) and a great mobilizer who happens to be aiming to run for mp seat in 2026.

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