As you are all aware, we have entered the Holy week, that leads to the Easter celebrations on Sunday 10.04.2023. As a precaution, we have intensified security measures at churches and other worship centers during this Holiday week and Easter celebrations.

Because of the Easter holiday, we anticipate many people will be travelling to their hometowns and villages for the Easter Holiday. Many others will go partying, celebrating, shopping and thanksgiving. As a result, we expect an increase in criminal activity, and other threats to public safety, especially robbery, bag snatching, frauds, livestock theft.

Although, there are no specific threats directed towards the Easter holiday, we continue to actively monitor all activities to ensure there are no credible threats in the country. We have increased patrols, visibility and other security interventions, that will run through the Holy week Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.

We have also partnered with all religious leaders and stressed the importance of community vigilance. We would like to remind all places of worship to review their security measures and contingency plans on protecting the churches and its assets like installing intruders’ alarms, use of forensic markers, encouraging local vigilance, minimise the risk of arsons among others;

We encourage, those that are travelling to plan for early movement and additional time to the transport hubs and delays along the major roads and highways. For those going shopping, we encourage you to avoid carrying large sums of money, displaying valuable, use ATMs at banks, hotels, shopping malls for safety etc.

We would like to warn all criminals that we are well prepared to deal with them. Our territorial commanders have been tasked to do everything within their means to deliver a joyful and peaceful Easter holiday to Ugandans and visitors in the country.






SCP Enanga Fred

Police Spokesperson

3rd April 2023


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