Police Speaks Out: Minister Lugolobi To Spend Full Weekend In Our Coolers As We Wait For Court Next Week

Uganda police via it’s twitter handle has confirmed the arrest of Hon. Amos Lugolobi, the Minister of State for Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

Following the ongoing investigations into the alleged theft and diversion of Iron sheets meant for the Karamoja region, the office of the DPP has sanctioned criminal charges against Hon Lugolobi,” police tweeted adding,”he is held Kira Police Division, pending court.”

Lugolobi is among those who benefited from Karamoja iron sheets bonanza and he is said to have used these iron sheets to roof a shed for animals on his farm.

The Ntenjeru North MP had reportedly received up to 600 iron sheets said to be part of relief material that the government procured through the Office Prime Minister (OPM) for vulnerable populations in Karamoja, Teso, Northern Uganda, Luweero Triangle, Bunyoro sub-regions.

Meanwhile, he later unroofed the shed saying these were evil iron sheets.

“I have realised that these iron sheets are evil and I no longer need them. Let me remove it so that I buy other iron sheets and re-roof my shed so that no one can lay claim that I owe them anything on my property,” he is quoted to have said.

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