She is feeding well! Uganda Prisons dispels rumors that Minister Kitutu is on anger strike.

Uganda Prisons Service has dispelled rumours that the jailed Minister of Karamoja Affairs Mary Goretti Kitutu is on an anger strike in fear of being poisoned by mafias.

While addressing the media on Tuesday at Police headquarters in Naguru, the Uganda Prison Services spokesperson Frank Baine said Minister Kitutu is being treated in a proper way like any other prisoner and she feeds well.

“By yesterday there were a lot of speculations that Honorable has been given VIP treatment then shortly after other rumours came in that she started an anger strike. Now facts are; yes we received her with her brother, secondly, she is treated accordingly and if I may zero down according to the Mandela rules and for those of you who have that wishful thinking I have never seen a VIP wing in prison for the 27 years I have worked in Prison that is why I always tell people the prison is prison no matter what treatment you get,” he said.

“There is no anger strike, she is behaving well and responding to our management, so let’s not speculate, let her manage her case in court and justice shall be served but attributing these uncalled-for words is not necessary.”

The Anti-Corruption court last Thursday sent  the Minister and her brother Mr Naboya Kitutu Micheal to Luzira Prison after being charged with two counts of causing loss to the government and conspiracy to defraud. They will appear in court again on 12 April.

The Director of Public Prosecutions under the charge of loss of public property, contends that between June 2022 and January 2023, at the OPM stores Namanve, Mukono District, the minister caused loss of public property in form of 9,000 prepainted iron gauge 28 by diverting the said iron sheets from the intended purpose of benefiting the Karamoja community empowerment programme to her own benefit and to the benefit of third parties, having reason to believe that such act would result into loss of the said property.

Under count two, she is accused of causing the loss of 5,500 iron sheets.

Story sourced from: Watchdog.

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