SQUEAKY BUM TIME: Speaker Among in trouble as officials at OPM Stores reject her returned Iron sheets.

Officers manning the office of the prime Minister (OPM) stores at Namanve industrial area have declined to receive a consignment of iron sheets purchased by Speaker Anita Among, to replace those that were given to her out of the relief items for Karamoja.

The Speaker of Parliament of Uganda, Rt. Hon. Anita Among has on several occasions confirmed to have received over 500 pieces of iron sheets from the office of the prime minister (OPM). 

She also last month claimed to have given out the received iron sheets to government-aided schools in her constituency in Bukedea Districts. 

She also declared to return the 500 pieces of the sheets she received, unfortunately her iron sheets have been rejected by OPM. 


Looking at the document, the iron sheets were delivered to the school suspected to be owned by Among.

As you can see, the document has a stamp below for Bukedea Comprehensive School

which is owned by the Speaker. And the person who signed for them signed is the Headteacher of the school, confirming to have received the iron sheets.

What You Need to Know:-

The Speaker of Parliament of Uganda, Rt. Hon. Anitah Annet Among, yesterday shocked parliament and the public after accepting to return 500 pieces of Karamoja region iron sheets, which were given to her by OPM.

In her statement, she said she has decided to purchase 500 pieces of iron sheets to be returned to the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM).

She says she does not want to be accused of grabbing iron sheets meant for the vulnerable people of Karamoja.  

Why Among quickly returned the 500 pieces.

Our informers from the state house have informed us that president Yoweri Museveni is more than serious to deal with all the culprits involved in Diverting karamoja Relief items. 

"On his arrival from Algeria,  president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni directed Cabinet Secretary madam Lucy Nakyobe to convene an Emergency Cabinet meeting at the statehouse of Entebbe this Friday 17th March 2023."- a Statehouse informer said.

Our informer further told us all ministers have been invited including other Government officials who received Karamoja Iron sheets.

The Agenda of the Emergency Cabinet meeting is not very clear but in state house street speculation indicates that the Iron sheets saga is one of the key points to be tackled.

M7 on Monday 6th March 2023, during cabinet seating, directed Security to arrest all those officials who involved themselves in swindling Karamoja iron sheets. 

These could be the reasons why the Speaker among quickly decided to clean up herself, fearing being ashamed of an arrest. 

Read more........

According to records from the OPM store in Namanve, the Speaker of parliament Anita Annet Among received 500 pieces of Iron Sheets. 

Besides being a Speaker of parliament, she is also Bukedea district Woman Mp. 

The sheets were picked using car registration number UG0582Z on 25 June 2022. The driver who up picked them has been identified as Denis Matsiko.

One Amongi, at Bukedea Comprehensive School (BCS), received them on her behalf. They were also witnessed by one John Mwanje who is the school’s storekeeper.

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