Trouble: Minister Kitutu spends two nights in cells, to Appear before anti-corruption court today.

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) has sanctioned charges of corruption and conspiracy to commit a felony against Hon. Kitutu Mary Goretti Kimono for diverting iron sheets meant for the Karamoja Community Empowerment Programme. 

The DPP Jane Frances Abodo has consented to the charges. The Police have been directed to produce Minister kitutu  in court for plea tomorrow.

The Police have been directed to produce the Minister in court for plea today  (April 6),” the ODPP tweeted on Wednesday evening.

Ms Kitutu who is said to be in police custody is accused of failing to deliver iron sheets and other relief items meant for Karamoja, some of which she allegedly diverted to non-intended beneficiaries, including her close relatives.

IGG list of beneficiaries.

 1. Jessica Alupo   (Vice President)
2. Anita Among   (Speaker of Parliament)
3. Robinah Nabbanja (Prime Minister)
4. Rebecca Kadaga   (First Deputy Prime Minister/Minister for East African Affairs)
5. Rukia Isanga Nakadama   (Second Deputy Prime Minister/Minister without Portfolio)
6. Matia Kasaija (Finance Minister)
7. Judith Nabakooba (Minister for Lands, Housing and Urban Development)
8. Mary Kitutu Goretti    (Minister for Karamoja Affairs)
9. Dennis Hamson Obua (Government Chief Whip)
10. Rose Lilly Akello (Minister for Ethics and Integrity)

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