UCU students Threaten to go to court for missing exams.

More than 20 students of Uganda Christian University Mbale campus have threatened to drag the university to court for missing exams yet they had cleared to zero balance.

According to the students, the institution alleged that the University has been having a lot of challenges ever since the principal resigned. , the University is in the caretaker's hands 

Students allege that administratively the institution has been having many up and downs. With no one Mbaleubenefit in charge, the current leader is not aggressive and the administration does not listen to him.

Our reporter at freeman news Uganda met with the  students at a law firm. The students also confirmed to have missed the exams yet they had cleared tuition.

"At the time of entering for the paper the statement changed there and then that no one is allowed to do exams without a card which was not communicated and this is not part of the requirements for one to do exams" - said the angry students. 

The student also claim that when they tried to look for the relevant offices each and every one was tough as their norms.

''UCU Mbale branch is in a mess, everyone in office does not care about the welfare of the school" - One of the students noted.


The student went ahead to narrate that this is the worse semester of their life since the institution adopted new changes that benefit the school but not the students.

"Unless the church takes back the institution but if it is still left in the hands of businessmen it's going to collapse within a period"- Students said.

Our source found out that when the Archbishop of the Anglican church visited Mbale they were not allowed to go close to him because they knew that they were going to speak the challenging case

"In case things don't change, we will strike so that leaders realise that there is something wrong in Mbale." Students.

While seeking clarity from the school Administration, they admitted that students missed exams but the school was handling the issue .

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