"Uganda's Milk/products Exports to Kenya facing another setback & are still on Ban'' Reveals Captain Mike Mukula.

The NRM Vice Chairperson of Eastern Uganda and also the patron of Uganda exporters and clearing Companies has revealed that over 80 Milk companies have been denied licenses to export milk to Kenya. 

Mukula says that as East Africa, they have an agreement of free trade across the region and it looks like Kenya is going against the agreement. 

Mukula while addressing the press today the 17th of May 2023 at his offices in Bugolobi told the press that several Milk companies have opted to pull out of business and others are struggling to survive due to the luck of the market. 


This was also confirmed by the Managing director of Fresh Dairy who says that as a company, they are making great losses due to Kenya's ban on milk and product exportation. 

He revealed that over 90 billion liters of milk products are due to expire in the next month. Fresh Dairy's manager also said that as a company, they are about to lay off more than 300 employees due to losses.

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