Ham Vs DTB: Supreme court sets 8 June for pre-hearing conference.

Supreme court has sets 8 June for pre-hearing conference,    in the case of Ham Enterprise LTD Vs Diamond Trust Bank  (DTB).

In this  fix Date process, court will be receiving Civil application filing in written submission from both sides. 


According to City  Business, Hamis Kiggudu commonly known as Ham,  DTB  excessively, deceptively unlawfully debited two hundred twenty. (120) billion shillings. from ham accounts on top of the fact that they had transacted without a licence contrary to sec 117 of the FIA.

Ham says this is an illegality they committed and admitted on high court record upon  which facts judgement was rightly entered in ham's favour for recovery of his money from DTB.

DTB appealed at court of appeal were the judges failed to substantially address the issue of illegality though ordered for retrial of the case back at high court.

Ham appealed at supreme Court on that very ground and error of the judges at court of appeal .....kk advocates and Dtb made additional  supplementary submissions stating that though the judges at court of appeal had failed to substantially address the issue of illegality maintaining the judgement at high court in favour of ham would have a far reaching reputation on the economy at large especially foregin investment..

Ham and his lwayers muwema and kimara basing on kk submissions made an application to supreme court for judgement on admission which is pending hearing before supreme Court.

We shall keep u Updated on this Story. 

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