ED - Kisaka- "Scope of works to be done by UPDF is not yet defined but welcomed the intervention as she responds to - COSASE.

While appearing before the Com­mit­tee on Com­mis­sions, Statu­tory Au­thor­i­ties and State En­ter­prises an accounting committee of Parliament Uganda (COSASE) yesterday, The Kampala Capital City Executive Director, Dr. Dorothy Kisaka denied the allegations of Uganda people defense force taking over the works of fixing Poth halls in the city.

Kisaka informed the committee that the road repairs are ongoing with approx. 9,500 sq. meters covered to date of the projected works for the April-June quarter. 

That represents approx. 70% of the scope to be done by 30th June. However, there remains approx.

33,700sq meters whose works will be commencing in the July-Sept quarter. She revealed that the scope of works to be done by UPDF is not yet defined but welcomed the intervention.

The KCCA team also informed the committee that they are committed to passing the law that  enables the collection of revenue from outdoor advertising. 

The team that appeared today before COSASE  included the Lord Mayor Eriasi Lukwago, the Executive Director, Dorothy Kisaka, the  deputy ED, and all KCCA Directors,  members of the City Executive Committee, the Speaker of the Authority, and his deputy.

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