Former supreme Court judge Prof. Dr Kanyeihamba vows to sue Amazon company in the International Courts of law for illegally publishing his books without his consent.

The former supreme Court  judge Prof. Dr George Wilson Kanyeihamba has vowed to sue Amazon company in the International Courts of law for illegally publishing his books without his consent.

Prof. Kanyeihamba exposed this in a press conference he held at his home situated in Buziga.

There over eight books among others, Constitutional and political history of Uganda, commentaries on law politics and governance, Unmitigated Humour and Wise Creak of all seasons, and Urban planning law in East Africa which were written by former supreme court judge Prof. George Wilson Kanyeihamba.

Prof. Kanyeihamba who on several occasions has wrote books, none of those books have been on sale, however,of recent he saw his books being published by Amazon company an American leading publication.

Prof, Kanyeihamba says these eight books have been published by Amazon company without his consent, attempts to know how they acquired the permission to publish them without his consent remains futile.

It's against this back drop that, Retired Justice Prof. George Wilson Kanyeihamba vows suing Amazon company to the International Court of Arbitration for publishing his books without his consent.

However, Kenyeihamba acknowledges having held talks one Masharia Panamaline alleged to be an employee of Amazon to see that his books are published by Amazon, but they never entered a consent agreement with him for Amazon to publish.

Banck to back Kanyeihamba /Masharia Panamaline

He now wants Amazon to pay him.

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