Bulambuli: L.c.5 chairperson accused of intrigue, corruption & extortion of money from contractors & technical servants.

Bulambuli district boss, Nandudu Annet is accused of failing to lead the district peacefully and involving in corruption.

Locals in Bulambuli district are in regrets for  voting her as their chairperson, the claim that since her first day in office, she has only been involved in political war and corrupt deals.

It has been alleged that several contractors have been give her money (Kitu Kidogo) and missing being awarded contracts.  

Info has it that a Company in the name of Wekomba is said to have given her over 50m to help them acquire a contract of building the administration block, things never turned out well when the rightful procedures were followed. it was found out that the company was not eligible hence denying them a deal.

It has also been established that the technical people awarded a contact to different people, which led to a big reshuffle between her and the technical wing.

Locals allege that due to her pressure, the former Chief administrative officer (CAW) had to request a transfer from the district which left the Bulambuli people speechless,

Locals claim the former transferred CAW  was a good and corrupt free person. 

According to the inside source, it is believed that the district boss falsely accused former CAO at the local government headquarters with allegations pinning her to be incompetent.

Locals also made an outcry In the ongoing land scandals in Bulambuli. "She is the mastermind of the confusion to sell local people's land because she was promised 2000 acres. It's on record that she is the leading land grabber" - Locals.

One official at the district name withheld claims that  the district boss received 18m from the person who was appointed head of the service commission and when he started opposing her unprofessional conducts, she advocated for his sacking.

Councilors claim that at one point, she  expensively sold Bulambuli district her land noticing that it will be needed by local government for construction of a health center in one of the sub-counties.

"She forced us to accept her land to be bought expensively"- Councilors.

It has also come to our attention that in case one doesn't give her kickbacks, they can't survive or stay at the district office peacefully.

The district councilors have threatened to storm her office to lock her out. 

Sources has it that a few months ago, local leaders intervened, held a meeting where she promised to change.

"In a sub-county called Simu, they had started a foundation of the head offices in a different financial year but she influenced a full pay of a new contractor"- Councilors.

These district councilors further claim that there has been an embezzled almost 93m, though when we inquired from contractors, they confessed to having worked under her orders. 

The works committee resolved that the contractor instead built a latrine and accounted for the 93m.

"There is a lot of incomplete work yet all contractors were paid 100%.  The councilors once mobilized to vote her out but she narrowly survived and still insists on the same activities"- one of the councilors noted.

It has also been noted that the district boss can't face one on one with the RDC, DPC, and CAO. 

"Everyone is tired of her conduct be it Members of parliament or heads of departments who are instead advocating for government protection towards the civil servants whom she scares of influencing their transfers"- Councilors.

In order to balance the story, we tried to contact her via her phone number (0781**888*3) but she couldn't pick up.

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