Man Sets Himself Ablaze After Married Woman He Was Pursuing For Love Turned Him Down.


A man in Nansana has been admitted to hospital with several burn injuries inflicted after he set himself on fire after his love requests to a married woman were turned down.

According to Luke Owoyesigyire, the Kampala Metropolitan deputy Police spokesperson, the incident happened in Nsumbi zone, in Nansana Municipality when Faizal Kasirye, 26 a bricklayer tried to commit suicide by setting himself ablaze.

“It is alleged that he poured parrafin all over his body and picked a matchbox to set himself on fire. Fortunately, he didn’t die and we picked him and took him to hospital for medication,” Owoyesigyire said.

According to Owoyesigyire, after the incident, police investigations indicated that Kasirye tried to take his life after a married woman he was pursuing for love turned his requests down.

“When we interrogated him, he confessed that he has pursuing a married woman only identified as Nali for quite sometime but that she had refused to accept him proposal to be in a relationship with him. After seeing her yesterday at a bar with the husband, he got frustrated, poured paraffin on himself in a bid to take his life,” Owoyesigyire said.

He said Kasirye has been taken to Kiruddu Hospital where he is currently receiving treatment

The Kampala Metropolitan deputy police spokesperson said as part of the investigations, they tried to find out more details about the incident by interrogating the said woman who also admitted that Kasirye tried to pursue her for a relationship

“She admitted that for long, Kasirye escorted her whenever she left work to return home and pestered her for love. Nali said she turned down the request for she is married.”

Owoyesigyire said a case of attempted suicide has been recorded by police in Nansana but warned men against pursuing married men.

“Don’t kill yourself because she has refused your request for love. If you get lucky and she accepts, that is your luck but if she refuses don’t commit suicide.”

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