Minister Amongi Congratulates Arch. Bishop Odama upon the ordination of 5 Priests.

GULU CITY, 15/7/2023

Gulu Archdiocese today ordained five priests: Rev. Father Micheal Odong, Rev. Fr. Idro Kenyi Denis, Rev. Fr. Raymond Okot, Rev. Fr. Joel Okot and Dn. Felix Bongomin. 

Speaking as the Guest of Honour, the Minister of Gender Labour and Social Development Hon Betty Amongi Akena reminded the priests that their ministry is to the Lord and that they are called to a noble place of service and that theirs is a call to represent God and to deliver His message. 

The Minister noted that the highest leadership position on planet is that of a pastor-teacher. Quoting the Bible, she noted that In Ephesians 4:11, we read of the risen and exalted Christ giving gifts to the church, “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers”. The phrase “pastor and teachers” is best understood in context as a single office of leadership in the church. The normal meaning of pastor is “shepherd,” so the two functions together define the teaching shepherd.

 She advised them to stick to their faith and dedication and called on others to  emulate them by joining in the service of the church.

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