"We are tired of your confusion"- Bamasaba call for an immediate solution on their cultural matters.

OPPINION: It's over three years since the death of Umukuka 11 of Bamasaba and since then they have failed to get a new cultural leader. Before the death of Umukuka II two leaders claimed to be fully elected one called Jude Mike Mudoma and another one called John Amram Wagabyalire.

Both claimed to be the rightful elected leader elected and this led them to even go up to courts of law and both were guided to go back and do fresh elections by the clan chairpersons.

For all this time Bamasaba have lost a lot of privileges from the government and all well wishers of the cultural institution.

It's believed that every financial year each cultural institution recieves 5bn shillings and Bugisu has lost 15bn.

Government was going to fund them through the tourism ministry with a sum of 21bn for the development of the cultural palace but because of the confusion and disagreements all of this failed.

Indeed bugisu has lost a lot, all the scholarships, donations, medical outreaches  and Charity work from western countries which were given to Bamasaba were stopped because of the confusion by few people.

On 17th the State Minister for culture Hon Peace Mutuuzo wrote a letter requesting the Umukuka I Emeritus Wamimbi to overseer a meeting of the clan chairpersons and come up with the solution so that Bamasaba can get a cultural leader but to the dismay of Bamasaba some people have started even fighting such an opportunity were government is looking for a solution.

No one will come and put us right unless we accept and preach peace.

Government does not have a clan in masaba land and it's role is to observe and wait for that time when Bamasaba will sort their messes. To our surprise the confusion is caused by few people who have their own personal interests in the cultural matters.

Some politicians want to use the cultural institution as a stepping stone to their political ambitions, others are seeking job opportunities and material gains from the institution but what is more hurting is that the common Bamasaba who feel that the peace, love, harmony and stability of the cultural institution is their pride are being oppressed for nothing.

Therefore the Bamasaba are calling for the immediate solution and they have welcomed the move by the government to allow the first Umukuka to guide the clan chairpersons to find a solution. The final meeting will be on Wednesday and we are ready to jubilate for the outcome and we request each and everyone to support this.

As Bamasaba let's be calm, let's preach peace, it has been overdue. Other tribes are developing through their cultural institutions.

We don't have a direct conduit between the President and the Bamasaba, politicians  have limited access and our ministers messed their powers, let's welcome this move and we get a leader.

To our elders, enough is enough you have been given enough time and you failed to come up with a solution, accept this arrangement to be the rebirth of new united Bamasaba. 

We are ready to rise and also expose whoever will try to fail us. We need peace in our cultural institution, we are tired of your games as Bamasaba we are ready to welcome the Wednesday resolutions.

Guga @umukuka 1 Emeritus our hopes are in you, do this with one heart and allow peace and harmony to prevail. We believe in you and we know that you can bring peace. 

To those rallying young people to cause confusion to the meeting we are watching over you and incase you try it we are also prepared to crush you we are tired of your confusion.

To the government of Uganda, thank you for this chance and whatever the outcome take it in peace and honour their decision. 

Help us end this impunity in masaba land by the end of this month and gazette a leader for us.

We pray for the best. Long live Uganda, long live masaba land.

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