Will New Nakivubo Be Cleared By CAF As Uganda Is Expected To Host AFCON 2027?

The inspection of Uganda’s facilities highlighted in the East Africa PAMOJA bid to host AFCON 2027 successfully came to a climax on Saturday with the team from CAF visiting different places. 

Just like it was the case on the first day (Friday), the team from PwC working on behalf of CAF continued with the inspection exercise before heading to Tanzania later in the day. 

The exercise began with a visit to Mandela Natioanal stadium(Nambole), New Nakivubo stadium, St. Mary’s Stadium-Kitende before moving to Denver Goodwin Stadium and later Entebbe International Airport. 

It should be noted that previously  the Federation international Football Association (FIFA) had revealed that the newly constructed Nakivubo stadium does not qualify to host AFCON and CHAN  qualifier or any international related fixtures.

According to FIFA officials Nakivubo stadium is eligible to host  Uganda Cup, Uganda Premier league, School / University games  and other local sports. 

Fifa says that Nakivubo is not on international standards to host any internation sports games. 

It was also established that had early this year written to FUFA  president Hon Magogo Hashim about the new requirement of the stadium to be able to host international matches. 

After receiving the communication Magogo rushed to his twitter account to show his frustration after learning that as of now Uganda had no stadium with the standard requirements needed by FIFA.

What you need to know:

Ugandans have been having hope of enjoying the beautiful game at the Memorial Nakivubo stadium but according to the research Nakivubo's measurements are not up to standard and the environment doesn't at all favor international events to take place.

Among the inconveniences seen are  the shops surrounding the stadium which will bring jam and the parking space to be small.

This  made FUFA president to alarm to the Government to help intervene in the situation.

According to the new guidelines the emergency stadium of St Mary's doesn't also qualify to host any international game for the national team which leaves Uganda with no option but  run to the  neighboring countries for help.

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Nakivubo stadium is under construction by businessman Hamis Kuggundu, commoly know as Ham.

Kiggundu  applied to develop Nakivubo Stadium three years ago and promised to deliver the work in two years but according to reports, the stadium is not yet even 75% to complete.

Recently, City Tycoon Hamis Kiggundu pinned Ugandans for being unduly negative, which he says has partly clamped the redevelopment of the Nakivubo War Memorial Stadium.

Seven years after its closure in 2015, work on the much-awaited 35000 capacity Stadium is said to be at 75% completion amidst numerous challenges as mentioned by Hamis Kiggundu.

The project was announced in 2017 as a collaboration between the Government of Uganda and Ham Enterprises however, due to several impediments including the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction work on the stadium has been at a snail’s pace.

Kiggundu in an interview acknowledged the delay in completing the historic stadium but says work is underway to have the facility finished.

“…at this level, the stadium is self-evident. We have plans to fully enclose the stadium in the future, but as for now we have erected advertising boards to bar spectators from watching outside the stadium.”

“I have met many challenges with this project but above all, Ugandans are too negative. If only we could find a way of eradicating that mindset.

“In many cases we fail to take the responsibility to develop ourselves and the nation as well, then resort to pulling down those who take on the attempt to put up sustainable developments.”

“COVID-19 was also a major setback, delaying us by almost three years, denting our cash flow, in addition to raising the cost of production.”

The initial plan indicated Forty-Nine million dollars as the money to be spent on the project, but according to Hamis, the sum could have tripled as he expects to spend not less than 150 million dollars until completion.

“Because of the rise in the cost of production, for a stadium I estimated to spend around 50 million dollars, I could end up spending around 150 million because of the price increase of construction material.”

The business mogul believes this project when done will be a fitting foundation for other Ugandans to undertake on the path to develop their country, and not fancy traveling overseas to experience advancement

Established on the 01st of April in 1926, the Nakivubo stadium was christened “War Memorial” after it was remodeled by the British government in 1954, in remembrance of the Ugandans who lost their lives in the second world war.

Ugandan Billionaire Hamis Kiggundu dreams of transforming it into a world-class stadium in the heart of the capital city -Kampala-.

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