CABINET RESHUFFLE: M7 To Retire Five Long Serving Ministers, Appoint Cabinet Whip Per Sub-Region.

President Museveni plans to order some ministers out of cabinet.

The new cabinet announcement is around the corner. Already ministers with doubtful reports have started sending emissaries to His Excellency the President to plead for their fate.

Our spacemen told this website that the appointing authority has so far finalized the lineup for 10 sub-regions and is only remaining with three sub-regions before the announcement is made. 

The sub-regions have been named as Acholi, Lango, Teso, Bukedi, Busoga, Tooro, Bunyoro, Ankole, Kigezi, Bugisu, Karamoja, Sebei and Buganda region. Spacemen told this website that according to the design, each sub-region is going to have one full cabinet minister out of the existing over 25 cabinet seats and those with more geographical coverage will have extra ministers.

“The idea in appointing a full minister per sub-region is to enable proper service delivery. The minister will be responsible for that sub-region in the remaining time. 

We have had a scenario where state ministers have been fighting for kingmakership and this affects the president. 

Now it is going to be clear that they all politically report to the minister. The minister will be the cabinet political whip of that particular sub-region” explained a spaceman.

Spacemen said that Museveni is looking at empowering the regional ‘whip’ who will act as the overall coordinator of government programs.

The cabinet regional whip will be above the caucus regional whip as his or her work will be to report to cabinet/president himself and will get specific tasks from the president to implement.

“The NRM caucus [regional] whip reports on implementation of government programs but the cabinet whip will be undertaking specific tasks from the H.E and report directly to him. 

In case there is poor delivery of services, the minister will be directly decompaigned in NRM primaries and general election. 

It is going to be a huge task because the president is serious about 2026 and doesn’t want to be stressed a lot” said a spaceman.

The spacemen said the new reshuffle that is falling soon is going to see surprise retirement of key ministers as the president looks at having a formidable team that is going to deliver his message to the people. 

The planned changes will affect some in regions such as Ankole, Bugisu, Kigezi and West Nile. 

In Buganda, the president is considering poaching some big names from Mengo government.

“What is happening now is that lobbying is everywhere. 

Teams and teams are knocking on the president’s door. But what I assure you is that those ministers with issues on their back and those who are less energetic are going to fall. The less energetic will be retired and retained as Senior Presidential Advisors to keep them with their facilitation” explained a spaceman.

On the list also includes some notable opposition figures. This website was informed that the announcement was supposed to fall at the end of last month but some two opposition figures are yet to conclude on their negotiations. 

The president is having his eyes on opposition Forum for Democratic Change party and National Unity Platform. The president is also getting some appointees from the diaspora and Foreign Service to be appointed to cabinet on the recommendation of External Security Organization [ESO] which is said to be doing work on six potential nominees. It is now revealed that the reshuffle will fall not later than we have been expecting. 

The president wants a team that is going to be sent out to the field to supervise, monitor, and evaluate government programs mainly PDM and make regular reports to Museveni personally.

“The President is going to have regular interface with the whips. 

They will file reports regularly and tell him the missing links on the ground. By 2026, everything will be fertile for him to sow his seeds. 

The whips will also be given special vehicles for monitoring” said a spaceman. 

Some of the names to be appointed  will be published here soon.

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