Magistrate Arrested For Disguising As Woman To Write Law Exams For His Girlfriend, dismissed from the judiciary.

Magistrate Arrested For Disguising A Woman To Write Law Exams For His Girlfriend  

Newly appointed Magistrate, Musa Semwogerere was arrested last week for posing as a woman to sit for exams for his girlfriend at the Law Development Centre (LDC) in Lira, Uganda. 

Semwogerere fondly called Mukisa Anthony was caught red-handed on Friday, July 28, 2023, while writing exams for his girlfriend, Irene Mutonyi.

According to the Judiciary Headquarters press release Musa Semwogerere,  was promoted to the rank of grade one magistrate by the Judicial Service Commission two weeks ago.  

His contract has been terminated due to his code of conduct which is against the Judicial rules and regulations.

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