Masindi RDC Ngabirano on the spotlight for involving self in Land grabbing.


Masindi  Resident District Commissioner, Mr Emmy Ngabirano has been put on the spotlight for involving self in land grabbing.

The out cry was made by Bivulu promoter and Businessman, Mr Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi.



To Our  brother RDC Masindi Mr Emmy Ngabirano and others at large,

We have noted with concern, attempts by you to block us from using our freehold titled plot in Masindi Municipality with Approved Plan on grounds that there are "a few old trees" we should not cut on allegations that the trees are "historical"

First, the land is ours earmarked for Municipal development and everything thereon. It is our private property. We expected an RDC to have basic knowledge of a maxim, which provides that he who owns the land owns everything extending to the heavens and to the depth of the earth, save for the mineral resources which are owned by government. 

We wonder why an RDC would attempt to decide for us how to use our land or what should be on it.

As a representative of the President and Central Government, we expected you Sir Ngabirano to exhibit a high level of personal and official dignity and focus with utmost  knowledge on government Programs like PDM, Emyoga & manifesto implementation instead of engaging and hiding in petty fights.

Old trees should never hinder development especially if they are on someone's freehold private property. They can be cleared and fresh ones planted in need to preserve the environment as we are already doing. We have planted over 150 acres of trees in the last 8 years in Masindi Municipality Nyangahya Division alone and many more in other places  of Uganda for environmental protection.

Note: Like stated earlier, upon completion of the project, fresh trees will be planted in accordance with local municipality laws and guidelines.

Secondly, It is unfortunate that my brother, RDC reportedly you have joined smaller political camps, and you're hiding behind your position to fight unnecessary petty political fights !!! which is very is bad .. as a Presidents representative be a Unifier figure not sided in any way. 

keep away from  "Begondeza, "Gwoona Guzime groups " and instead focus on monitoring and supervising the implementation of public services, and manifesto implementation including saving our treasured and gazetted Budongo Forest under serious encroachment which may led to it's extinction.

Finally Government representative be pro-planned development cadres, not enemies of progress. 

We thank Brig Gen Daniel Kakono Commandant masindi artillery division for being a very understanding and supportive Commander in our region, thank You Mayor Masindi Municipality, your entire Council, and other Political & Community leaders for being pro-development.

Mr Ngabirano, the RDC, and other anti development local leaders, please emulate the President  @KagutaMuseveni who treasures both development and environmental protection.


Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi 

Pro-development Partner

@KagutaMuseveni @millybabalanda @kirunda_faruk @StateHouseUg @JaneBarekye #HajjiYunusKakande #AtuhaireHerbert

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