Namawanga Head Teacher, Mr. Wandulu Transferred To Mbale School For The Deaf As Busoba Community Vows To Demonstrate Over The Transfer Of Sister Nelima

Mbale School for the Deaf has finally got a new headteacher after two years of scandal after scandal. Mr. Wandulu Dismus from Namawanga Secondary School has been transferred to Mbale School for the deaf with immediate effect according to the Ministry of Education draft. 

The above document from the Ministry of Education and Sports confirms the transfer of Mr. Dismus Wandulu from Namawanga Secondary School to Mbale School for the Deaf. 

According to our sources, three names were suggested but eventually, Mr. Wandulu was selected as the eligible candidate to replace sister rose Nelima. Nelima had served at Mbale School for the Deaf for four years, whereas Wandulu Dismus has been at Namawanga SS for almost Seven Years.

The transfer of the former Headmistress, Sister Rose Nelima has brought mixed reactions in the Busoba community.

The community has vowed to hold a demonstration claiming the transfer was not in good faith.

"There was a syndicate game which was played by Education officers to transfer sister rose by all means, We wish these people rated the school status before sister and now. This woman (Sister Rose) has improved the school academically and physically" - Community Members.

Another Source confirmed to us that Mbale District LC5 is planning to hold meetings with area councilors and stakeholders to have a smooth transition.  

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Parents and members of the Board governing body of Busoba School of the deaf Expressed grief over the continuous mistreatment of their Headteacher Sister Rose Nelima.

According to them, Nelima has faced a lot of hardships in the most recent times with certain elements calling for her sacking claiming that she is mismanaging school funds something she completely denies.

In a Crisis Meeting which was held at the School on Friday 28th April 2023, Parents and the Board convened at the main hall to discuss the way forward to the increased harassment of Sister Rose Nelima (Headteacher).

In their submissions, they condemned some key figures like the Commissioner of Special Needs Ministry of Education, Twaib Ayub a Board Member, and also an old student who organized a demonstration in Kampala demanding for the resignation of Sister Rose Nelima.

According to Wafula Lockman the chairman board of governors, on 11 November 2022, the commissioner of special needs in the Ministry of Education visited the School and Convened several meetings with students and Teachers in which she discussed several issues with them.

"The Commissioner came here and met with the teachers but instead of guiding them She instead told them that 'Whenever you come here don't eat food, they will poison you, never eat the food at the school'' Now that meeting left the hearing staff and non hearing staff divided and that's where the problem started." He noted. 

He further said that after the incident the situation normalized but on the 28th, a former student and a board member Twaib Ayub organized a demonstration in Kampala against the leadership of Sister Rose Nelima.

"We have organized over 3 meetings to resolve the matter but Mr. Ayub has since failed to appear at the school premises for the meetings".- Wafula

On 23rd March Students marched from Mbale School of the Deaf to Mbale District Headquarters but only to be intercepted on the way. 

Micheal Oguttu, the chairman of PTA during his address to the Stakeholders noted that its greedy headteachers in the neighborhood are fueling the rumors about the dismissal of Sister Rose Nelima as the Headteacher.

He added that No one understands Children with Special Needs like Rose Nelima does and that it would be a dis-Service to transfer her and bring in a new headteacher who is totally green about special needs Children (the deaf in particular).

He also commended Sister Rose Nelima for the great transaction of the school in terms of infrastructure and enrollment from less than 100 to now 520 in just Five years.

During her address, Rose Nelima highlighted the following;

Increased enrollment to 520 students in both vocational and secondary wing, the building of dormitories, building staff quarters, and Building perimeter wall.

Lobbying a perimeter wall in 2020 from the, Government which was constructed and completed a school Bus which is still in the pipeline from the Ministry of Education.

Aid and Funding increased from  shillings 43 million to 270 million shillings. She however says this increase in funding is one of the factors she is being fought as haters think she is swimming in cash and that they want to kick her out and take over.

 11 teachers were on payroll but after interviews, 34 got posting letters and now a total of 43 teachers are on payroll out of 170 Total staff.

She acknowledged and praised UPDF for giving them professional officers who helped them boost the Technical Wing.

She also noted that Mbale School of the Deaf is among the Six top sporting schools in the country but highlighted the need to improve the basketball court and also build a swimming pool.

"My plan is the School bus which has not yet been received from the Government, CCTV cameras are being worked on as well, and lamps and walkways to be improve." Sister Rose.

She told the congregation that the alleged mismanaged perimeter wall fence was completely out of her hands and that the contract was given and payments made by the center.

Nelima noted that though she is going through difficulty, she can only turn to God for Protection

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