Omara: "Asan Kasingye Should shut up & mind his own business".

Former Police officer ACP Sam Omara was recently appointed as the new Deputy CEO in charge of operations at Arrows Security Services limited a private security company run and owned by Capt. Mike Mukula.

However the appointment brought mixed feelings with former Police Officer now retired Afande Asan Kasingye expressing his disappointment in Omara for accepting a job that according to Kasingye was way below Omara’s standards.

Kasingye took it to social media and said that “This is the saddest photo I have seen on the internet. It has nothing to do with the officer being “decorated”. I had written a full script for my reasons. I just pressed DELETE.”

Kasingye’s comments did not land well in the eyes and ears of Afande Omara who expressed disappointment in his former colleague for writing what he termed as nonsense.

Omara said Kasingye sounds jealousy and arrogant because he is lucky he got alot of money while still in service while Omara and many others never accumulated that much wealth.

Omara said that Kasingye should mind his own business because he won’t pay school fees for his children nor buy food for his family and thus should shut up.

Omara added that instead Kasingye should have been happy for his colleague to find some work to do after a long service in the police force but it’s surprising he is among the haters.

Omara is well remembered in quelling opposition leader Dr. Kizza Besigye’s walk-to-work protests in 2011. At that time, he was serving as the Kampala North Police Operations Commander.

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