SQUEAKY BUM TIME: M7 Screws Alupo & Nabbanja For spending 2B on 71 Delegates At The UN General Assembly.

President Museveni, at the NRM Parliamentary Caucus that took place at State House in Entebbe yesterday [September  28th]  is reported to have put the Vice President Jessica Alupo and Prime Minister Ms Robbinah Nabbanja to task to explain how they carried a huge contingent to attend the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. 

Highly impeccable sources that preferred not to be named to freely speak on the matter, reveal that it all started with by the President indicating that whereas he was aware of the travel by Vice President Alupo, he was not aware of the bloated number of people that accompanied the duo, which officials say sparked diplomatic scene for the hosts in United States last week.

 "After the President addressed us, he tasked them [Ms Alupo and Nabbanja] to explain how such a huge delegation got to New York," the source said. "At first the President thought it was a small delegation, but it was the MPs in the audience who in a chorus way told him that they were 71 people. 


It was at this point that he called out Vice President Alupo and PM Nabbanja to explain themselves," the source further indicated. Hell broke loose for the two as they are both said to have a torrid time giving a defense before President, who also doubles as the National Resistance Movement (NRM) party chairperson. "When VP Alupo spoke, she said she traveled with a small number of people whose names she didn't disclose. On the other hand, PM Nabbanja listed and named the various people she traveled with but this appeared not to be convincing enough to the Head of State."


The news of the huge delegation that accompanied two government officials to the United Nations General Assembly attracted outrage among citizens as many believed that the tax payers’ money wasted on allowances and travel expenses for the New York trip should have been injected into critical sectors.

The uproar triggered last week in Uganda's media came just days after the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)- Central tabled a report detailing how Prime Minister Nabbanja's office came under fire for splashing a whooping Shs. 9 Billion of taxpayers’ money on teaching Ugandans how to take Coffee.


After it emerged that top two government officials travelled with the 71-man-team, there has been a heavy backlash from the majority of Ugandans on how a whooping Shs2 Billion was splashed on the said US under circumstances that were otherwise avoidable.

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