2nd ICT Job Fair, filled with opportunities for employment, internships, ICT skilling, & training- PS Aminah Zawedde.


The Permanent secretary at the ministry of IC, Dr. Aminah Zzawedde has revealed that the Second National ICT Job Fair, is one-of-a-kind event filled with opportunities for employment, internships, ICT skilling, and training for all.


While giving her remarks today during to opening of the Second Annual National ICT Job Fair 2023 at Kololo independence ground, she expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the countries esteemed President, H.E Gen Yoweri Museveni, for gracing the event.


Your attendance, Mr. President, underscores your unwavering commitment to our nation's future and the youth of Uganda. Your support and encouragement serve as a guiding light as we continue on this journe towards a brighter, digitally empowered Uganda – Thank You Mr. President”- Zzawedde.

Zzawedde further revealed that ICT services in Uganda continued to grow at an impressive average growth rate of 14.8 percent. 

"Its important to acknowledge that the ICT sector contributed 2.0% of aggregate nominal GDP in FY2021/22, an increase in value. The ICT sector value added in nominal terms increased to UGX 2.93 trillion in FY2020/21 from UGX 2.79 trillion in FY2019/20"- Zawedde said.

ICT sector seek to address on a topic of paramount importance – the future of the youth in the responsibility to address the challenges of unemployment.

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Zzawedde said Uganda currently has 32 universities, boasting a student population of approximately 110,000. These institutions collectively churn out over 30,000 graduates annually. which begs the question: where are these highly educated and enthusiastic young minds going to be employed? 

"This is a question that should concern us all deeply. According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), the number of unemployed individuals in our country is staggering. This issue affects countless young Ugandans who have completed their education and are eager to contribute to our nation's growth and prosperity. It's important to

note that we have 32 universities in Uganda, producing over 30,000

graduates annually. But the critical question we must ask ourselves is: where are these young graduates going to be employed?"- Zzawedde.


She noted that Furthermore, the most recent National Labour Force Survey reveals that a staggering 92% of employees are engaged in informal employment, including agriculture.  This means they are working merely to sustain themselves and their families, rather than commercializing their trade and contributing to the broader economy. Additionally, a shocking 95% of enterprises in Uganda are not registered with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB), and 75% do not maintain proper financial  records. 

"To achieve the ambitious goals outlined in the National Development Plan III (NDPIII), which focuses on increasing average household incomes and improving the quality of life for all Ugandans, we must address these challenges head-on. The National Labour Force Survey also indicates that 42.9% of those who do find employment have the necessary education for their jobs, while

46.1% are undereducated for their positions"- Zzawedde

This underscores the importance of job-relevant skilling, especially in sectors like ICT. Moreover, a significant portion of our youth, approximately 66%, reside in rural areas, and 47% have attained only primary education. Nevertheless, 83% of them have access to ICT equipment, such as radios, telephones and tablets according to PS Zzawedde.

However, she said that the unfortunate reality is that 97% of our youth primarily use ICT for social networking, with only 32% using it for academic purposes and a mere 10% exploring online job opportunities.

"We must acknowledge that the number of youth in our country facing unemployment is a significant issue. Instead of debating statistics, let us focus on what we are doing to help our youth overcome this challenge. Ladies and gentlemen, the Ministry of ICT is committed to addressing these pressing challenges through strategic initiatives like Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and our National Skilling Program. We aim to equip our youth with the skills they need for today and the future, emphasizing

digital skilling"- Zzawedde.

She further elaborated that Our National BPO Policy is a significant step in this direction. 

"This policy aims to harness ICT-enabled innovative solutions to optimize labor utilization, enhance efficiency, and promote the BPO industry for sustainable development. In pursing the development of this policy, we aspire to create employment opportunities, increase workplace efficiency, and tap into the global Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) outsourcing business by 2040"- Zzawedde.


According to Ps Zzawedde global BPO industry was valued at $163 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $183 billion by 2023. This sector provides employment opportunities and has contributed to the growth of economies in developing countries. In the coming years, emerging sectors like Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, and machine learning will present even more opportunities within the BPO sector.

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