African Electoral Alliance launches Civic education.


The African electoral alliance in injunction with other stakeholders from the electoral Commission, Uganda police force among others, have launched a civic education campaign aimed at sensitising ugandan citizens to pave way for a free and fair elections in the upcoming national general elections of 2025/2026.

African Electoral Alliance is an African independent non-profit, non-partisan and non-governmental organization with a cardinal objective of supporting strong democratic institutions and processes and more sustainable, effective and legitimate democracy.

Speaking to members of the press at the event, the director of operations at the Uganda electoral Commission Mr. Richard Kamugisha applauded the great work being done by the African electoral alliance in sensitising members of the general public on the core values of holding a violence free election in the country, adding that it will benefit the government in the coming general elections.

“we salute the African electoral alliance for championing this cause of synergising with the commission to disseminate voter information and also raise awareness among the people of Uganda in the need to participate in the democratic processes because it’s only through them that credible leaders are elected who can steer the country forward. We shall continue working with the African electoral alliance as well as other stakeholders including the media to ensure that we deliver a free and credible elections.” He said

Kamugisha however, noted some of the key factors that have spearheaded violence among citizens especially during election periods, citing economic crisis as one of them including others as he stated.

“people are dissatisfied for a number of reasons there are a number of challenges that are affecting the society that include unemployment amongst the youths, high rise in prices for the commodities, high cost of living etc. now people have started using elections to vent their anger against the authority and elections have therefore become a trigger for violence.” He said

The chief political commissar of Uganda police Hadijah Namutebi implored Ugandans to be law abiding citizens especially during the elections, stressing that this would lead to a violence free electoral process.

“As we stand here to be part of this history at this moment I want to call for cooperation and the civic education as police we are very much appreciative with these initiatives because they are going to empower the communities to know their rights, how to demand for their rights, how to enjoy their rights and not to suffocate other people's rights, so as we stand for these elective positions through out the entire process, Uganda is ours and we should be peaceful and mindful that we are all responsible for a brighter uganda.” She said

At the same juncture, Dr. Alfred Kiwanuka a keynote speaker at the event implored the youths to realise their importance in the elections of their country rather than just falling victim of the politicians who end up diverting them from their main objectives and duties to serve their own vested interests.

“Young people especially the youths and even adults have been misguided or misused by the current politicians on grounds of making them fall in love with what they want, but what i would instill into the youths is if we are all leaders if we all have a sense of belonging it would be more essential than being led in abstract. What I would propose to young people is that they should all leave the ground of following and then become leaders it is internal." He revealed.

Mr. Nkata Coprium who is the project manager for African electoral alliance noted some of the activities that will be done by their team together with other stakeholders in ensuring that all the citizens fully benefit from their launched  civic education campaign.

“Our civic engagement program will unfold in the town's and villages across Uganda. We will engage in open dialogues, educational workshops and community events all designed to promote peace and reduce electoral violence.” Said nkata

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