FDC women & youths elections kick off in Najjanankumbi as some candidates boycott the elections.

Elections for both national youth league executive and national women’s league  for FDC party kick off at Najjanankumbi as some of the nominated candidates at youth league are denied a chance to contest.

Okori Brian who is the national youth secretary for Lira currently contesting for the position of national youth chairperson has been denied a chance to run by the chief electoral commissioner Boniface Toterebuka Bamwenda claiming he isn’t a delicate.

Speaking about the incident, Okori dubbed the incident unconstitutional and full of vested interests from the organisers.

“another aspirant was contesting for position of general secretary was also eliminated because they had interest in of having a candidate running unopposed which is very bad, we are aware of very many candidates who are now stepping down saying they are boycotting the process saying they cannot vote or they cannot be voted for, so we're taking that direction of going to court.”he said

However, he was given a second chance by the electoral commission to appeal against the decision taken towards him by the electoral commission where his fate will be decided at a later stage.

According to Sosojji Alan James, the youth vice chairperson for mbale city currently vying for the position of Vice chairperson for eastern region but boycotted the election in solidarity of those that were denied a chance to stand,said the position for secretary for youth is a position for the national executive committee therefore there is no law in Fdc’s constitution that blocks any member from contesting for the position in the national executive committee.

He added and said that he asked the electoral body to quote a law that denied members of Fdc from contesting freely in the elections when they are not delegates, something he says was never answered hence standing out of the race.


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