Read More About the Uganda House Building in the U.S. Constructed by Idi Amin.

In 1978 Uganda begun excavation work in Manhattan for a 15‐story headquarters for its United Nations delegation that would be three floors higher than its next‐door neighbor, the building of the United States Mission.

This was an initiative by Late Idi Amin Dada, by then the president of Uganda, , who so much loved his country Uganda. 

Jae Y. Ko, a Japanese‐born architect who designed Uganda House, said it would provide offices for Uganda delegates, a display area on the street floor for Uganda art, a ballroom, and five apartments on the upper floors. One of the more elaborate suites, which was to have a landscaped terrace, and could presumably be used for visits by then the President of Uganda, Field Marshal Idi Amin.

This was built on East 45th Street in the United states of America.  
The excavation, on East 45th Street just behind the American structure, which fronts on First Avenue opposite United Nations Headquarters 

During the construction of this building, Uganda delegates on orders of Amin declined to discuss their Government's plans, saying it would be premature to do so until the building was further advanced. 

Though, the Uganda Government secretly signed a construction contract with Wilmorite, Inc., a Rochester‐based concern, and made an initial $65,000 payment toward the costs of the foundation. Construction which was expected to cost $3.5 million to $4 million, and Wilmorite arranged with subcontractors for completion in a year.

However, Idi Amin to finance the undertaking was not known. Its was later discovered that Uganda purchased the 50‐by‐80‐ft property in 1975 but put off construction, reportedly because it did not have the money, and the lot was used for commercial parking. in 1976 Uganda, was listed by the United Nations as one of the countries most affected by the increased cost of oil and other imports, appealed for $15 million in assistance from a special fund which was set up to help the most distressed countries. 

Architects and builders designed the structure which was similar to office buildings in the area—functional rather than luxurious. It was designed to occupy the site to the sidewalk line, with a recessed firs floor entranceway faced with black marble. The exterior was constructed of precast concrete, with floor‐to‐ceiling windows, using bronze‐tinted glass that reflect sunlight—an energy conserver which reduces air‐conditioning costs.

On the east side, Uganda House building adjoineed the auditorium of the United States Mission, on the west a loft building. During Amin's regime, the relations between the United States and Uganda was not good. The American Embassy in ‘Kampala, Uganda was closed in 1973. after President Amin made a serieg of ‘statements accusing staff members of being agents of the Central Intelligence Agency and threatening to hold them “hostage. However, formal ties were not broken and the Ugandans ‘maintained a sizable mission in Washington.

In 1975 President Amin, speaking at the United Nations, urged that the United States rid itself of Zionists and called for Israel's extinction as a state. Daniel P. Moynihan, then the American delegate, said in a speech in San Francisco that he agreed with a characterization or the Ugandan as a racist murderer;: American spokesmen justified his denunciation by citing a report that 25,000 to 250.000 Ugandans had been killed since President Amin seized power in 1971. 

With regard to the construction project, American officials considered it surprising that a staff numbering less than a, dozen should need 15 floors. Could it be that the Ugandans ‐simply wanted to stand taller than the American Mission? Perhaps, the Americans suggested, but one of them added, “Never mind—we'll put up a higher flagpole on our roof.” and  this was achieved, all the official buildings next to Uganda House are now taller than it.

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