Regional Police Boss who was Arrested For Defiling Colleague’s 1-Year-Old Baby Set Free.

Josephine Angucia, a spokeswoman for the West Nile Police region has confirmed that the Inspector of Police, Otim Thomas, 49 who was recently arrested for allegedly  raping a one year old baby was set free after two days of dentation.

Angucia said that according to the DPP, there was no enough evidence pinning the accused, hence setting him free to resume with his duties.

This has disturbed, the victim's parents who have accused the police and DDP for conniving to fail this case from proceeding.


The chief of the Police Professional Standard Unit in the West Nile area was accused of defiling a one-year-nine-month-old child of a colleague in what may end up being a trust-broken most foul.

The youngster in question is a police officer’s daughter, and her family called the police barracks in Arua to help them get justice.

The event allegedly took place inside the Arua Police Barracks on the afternoon of Independence Day this year and was allegedly planned by Inspector of Police Otim Thomas, 49.

While talking to the press as soon as they had arrested him last week, Josephine Angucia, a spokeswoman for the West Nile Police region said  Otim picked up his colleague’s daughter from her home, brought her to his house, and reportedly defiled her there.

In her office, police spokesperson Josephine Angucia addresses the media. (Prossy Nankanja/Flickr) On Tuesday last week, Angucia added, “It is reported that Otim called the victim to his room in the barracks but after some minutes the victim started weeping.

She claims that CRB 9002023 was used to open a case at the Arua Central Police Station, and that the suspect was detained on suspicion of aggravated defilement. Angucia confirmed this information.

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The mother claims that Otim called her daughter after returning from the Independence Day parade that fateful day in the late afternoon.

The suspect came out of the house as soon as the girl started screaming, according to the mother of the alleged victim, and they immediately went to the Police canteen to buy the girl a soda.

But the infant didn’t stop crying. The girl had a tear and a swollen private area, the mother said after examination.

When the infant was taken urgently to Arua Regional Referral Hospital, the medical examination revealed that the female had been altered.

The victim was immediately enrolled on post-exposure prophylaxis. She is pleading for justice in this case because the suspect has been at large since the crime occurred with no action taken.

She said, “This suffering is too much to take any longer, and seeing the offender roaming around every day with nothing being done, I simply pray for justice in this matter.

Aggravated defilement: what is it? If an adult engages in sexual activity with a very young child (between days old to 14 years old), defilement is intensified in nature.

Additional conditions include the offender’s (adult) HIV positivity, blood relationship to the victim, and/or position of power over the kid (father, uncle, aunt, etc.).

If the perpetrator has power over the victim, such as a teacher, or if the victim (a kid) has a disability, or if the perpetrator is a repeat offender, these factors are also taken into account while deciding whether to impose an aggravated defilement punishment.

Such a person faces the possibility of execution upon conviction at the High Court.

The chief of the Police Professional Standard Unit in the West Nile area is accused of defiling a one-year-nine-month-old child of a colleague in what may end up being a trust-broken most foul.

The youngster in question is a police officer’s daughter, and her family calls the police barracks in Arua city home.

The event allegedly took place inside the Arua Police Barracks on the afternoon of Independence Day and was allegedly planned by Inspector of Police Otim Thomas, 49.

According to Josephine Angucia, a spokeswoman for the West Nile Police region, Otim picked up his colleague’s daughter from her home, brought her to his house, and reportedly defiled her there.

In her office, police spokesperson Josephine Angucia addresses the media. (Prossy Nankanja/Flickr) On Tuesday night, Angucia added, “It is reported that Otim called the victim to his room in the barracks but after some minutes the victim started weeping.

She claims that CRB 9002023 was used to open a case at the Arua Central Police Station, and that the suspect was detained on suspicion of aggravated defilement. Angucia confirmed this information.

The mother claims that Otim called her daughter after returning from the Independence Day parade that fateful day in the late afternoon.

The suspect came out of the house as soon as the girl started screaming, according to the mother of the alleged victim, and they immediately went to the Police canteen to buy the girl a soda.

But the infant didn’t stop crying. The girl had a tear and a swollen private area, the mother said after examination.

When the infant was taken urgently to Arua Regional Referral Hospital, the medical examination revealed that the female had been altered.

The victim was immediately enrolled on post-exposure prophylaxis. She is pleading for justice in this case because the suspect has been at large since the crime occurred with no action taken.

She said, “This suffering is too much to take any longer, and seeing the offender roaming around every day with nothing being done, I simply pray for justice in this matter.

Aggravated defilement: what is it? If an adult engages in sexual activity with a very young child (between days old to 14 years old), defilement is intensified in nature.

Additional conditions include the offender’s (adult) HIV positivity, blood relationship to the victim, and/or position of power over the kid (father, uncle, aunt, etc.).

If the perpetrator has power over the victim, such as a teacher, or if the victim (a kid) has a disability, or if the perpetrator is a repeat offender, these factors are also taken into account while deciding whether to impose an aggravated defilement punishment.

Such a person faces the possibility of execution upon conviction at the High Court.

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