Sogea Water tanks burst, washing away Homes in Joggo village.

More than 100 residents of Ssonde in Joggo village Goma Division, Mukono District are in losses after their property was damaged by the Katosi water pipe project.

What You Need To Know:

A few months ago, the tanks that collect water from the Katosi Water Treatment Plant in Mukono District burst.

water flooded people's houses and plantations among others.

According to residents, the engineers from Sogea Satom Limited and National Water failed to stop the running water, and residents’ properties, including homes were damaged.


One of the residents revealed that the water engineers diverted water through a trench that begins at Jjoggo trading center and empties into forestry authority trees, after going throw homesteads.

This has led to endless landslides, Soil erosion, and land degradation in the community.

Daniel Sserunjogi one of the residents says his perimeter wall and septic tank got filled by water and a car engine stopped working.

Another resident Dorah Nakyaze says her cassava plantation was destroyed.

Joel Magoola, a resident of Jjoggo whose house was washed away a few days ago claimed that National Water has turned a deaf ear to their complaint.

 ''We have notified National Water, even reported to the head offices but it is coming to half a year without them responding to this issue"- Magoola.

Magola further told our reporters that National Water instructed the residents to look for the contractors ( Sogea Satom) to fix the mess.

According to Sogea's project manager, the project was finished and was handed over to National Water, therefore it is National Water to fix the mess.

When addressing the people who were affected by the pipeline earlier, Engineer Alex Esagala, the Director of Engineering Services at National Water and Sewerage Corporation-NWSC said that there will be constant monitoring of the entire pipeline & tanks to ensure that such incidents do not happen, though this looks to have been an empty promise for them to run the project.

He revealed that at different hills where big tanks are installed, security alarm systems will be installed for notifications.

In June 2022, one of the pipes going through Seeta town burst as it was being flashed leading to flooding. Water gushed from underground, damaging several properties and bringing business to a halt. The bust water pipe is found at a point where engineers had planned to release the flashed water into a drainage channel.

Sogea-Satom, a subsidiary of the French group Vinci in 2020 inked a contract for a drinking water project in Mukono.

The firm was appointed by Uganda’s public company National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NSWC). The US $71M worth of contract covers the construction of several water facilities and supplies in Mukono & Katosi.

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