3 workers die in an elevator shaft of a coffee factory in Mityana.

Police in Mityana are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the deaths of three individuals that occurred at Zigoti Coffee Factory, located in Zigoti South LC1, Zigoti Town Council, Mityana District.

Sp. Racheal Kawala - police spokesperson wamala region

Speaking in a media statement, the spokesperson of wamala region SP Racheal Kawala said their police was notified at around 12pm.

"On 03/11/2023, at around 12:00 PM, our Fire Station in Mityana received information via phone from Mutagwa Musa, the Manager of Zigoti Coffee Works Limited, that three adult males had tragically died in the factory’s elevator shaft.” Said the spokesperson 

Preliminary findings suggest that at the time of the incident, the coffee processing machine was in operation but encountered a malfunction and was subsequently turned off.

"The deceased individuals were all employees of Zigoti Coffee Factory and have been identified as Sseguya Collins a 21-year-old male, Kimbuggwe James a 19-year-old male and Mwigala Bashir a 25-year-old male all employed as a casual labourers.” She added

Police say the victims could have died from suffocation caused by inadequate aeration in the elevator shaft.

"It is alleged that Kimbugwe James (deceased) descended into the elevator shaft to investigate the issue but tragically failed to return. This prompted Sseguya Collins and Mwigala Bashir to descend and attempt to rescue their colleague, but unfortunately, they too did not make it out. It has been determined that the deceased individuals may have succumbed to suffocation due to an oxygen deficiency in the elevator shaft.” She revealed 

According to police, their Fire Prevention and Emergency Rescue Team from Mityana have successfully retrieved the 3 bodies as more investigations regarding their actual cause of death continue.

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