Hamis Kigundu contributes UGX.10 million in support for the Busogaroyal wedding.

Ham enterprises has today joined the rest of the well wishers of the Busoga royal wedding scheduled to take place this month on 18th, by contributing a total of UGX.10 million to help in preparations of the wedding.
The contribution was handed over in cash form to the Katukiro of Busoga kingdom by Mr. Hamza Sebbowa who represented the business man Hamis Kigundu at the event.

"on behalf of my boss Mr. Hamis Kigundu who is the Chief executive officer of ham enterprises as my boss has sent me, he really appreciates what's going on and fully committed to help you for the well being of the much anticipated royal wedding. He has therefore contributed a sum of UGX.10million to help in the smooth running of the event and also wished you good luck.” Said Sebbowa

Meanwhile the Katukiro of Busoga kingdom, Dr. Joseph Muvawala expressed his applause to Mr. Hamis Kigundu for his contribution towards the well being of their royal wedding.

Hamza Sebbowa handing over cash of UGX.10million to Katukiro

"allow me to once again thank all of you here most especially Ham enterprises Uganda limited Mr. Hamis Kigundu we want to thank you for standing in for us. We want to pray for kyabazinga and Inebantu to have a long lasting life and wish them a successful marriage. In Busoga we say if your friend gives you, you also give him too, therefore if there is anything support that you would need in the future always reach us so that we can also give you a hand please and may God bless you abundantly.” Said the Katukiro 

Other well wishers of the royal wedding who extended their financial support to the Kyabazinga kingdom included Stabex Company which contributed a total of UGX.10million on the same day.

The contribution was delivered to the organisers of the royal wedding by Mr.Gilbert Otim who applauded the kingdom for their great love.

“Basoga people are very loving people and that's why we've come to support His Royal Highness and that day we're going to be part of it and we’re going be having our billboards running in the whole of busoga region for 2 months congratulating
 "owekitibwa”upon bringing for us our dear lovely mama. So for us as Stabex we're giving UGX.10million.” Said Mr.Gilbert

Movit products company also contributed UGX.50million towards the royal wedding and they handed in their cheque today to the Katukiro of Busoga kingdom.
Movit products hands over a cheque of UGX.50M to kyabazinga kingdom

The much anticipated royal wedding of His Majesty Kyabazinga William Gabula Nadiope IV and Inhebantu Jovia Mutesi will take place on 18th November 2023 in Bugembe.

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