Inebantu's Kasiki turns Political, NRM members Shun the party accusing her family of being strong FDC.

Things look not to be moving well in the family of Inebantu, Mutesi Jovia, Silent political war has erupted between his father and NRM leaders/mobilizers. 

This was clearly seen during the inbantu's kasiki which happened on Saturday 28th October 2023, at her father's home in Mayuge Town, Mayuge District.

According to our reporter,  all NRM top officials from the Busoga region shunned the event claiming that the faction had turned political with FDC-affiliated guests. 

It should be noted that Inebantu's father, Mr Bayole Stanely was an FDC strong carder before crossing to the National Resistance Movement (NRM).

It is on record that the Mwanja/Bayola family is a Strong FDC. 

Before being appointed RDC, Bulambuli District, Mr. Bayole, Inebantu's father was a LC1 on FDC ticket and FDC Coordinator for  Mayuge District. 

It is also confirmed that His wife, the mother of Inebantu is still FDC  and still mobilising for FDC in the Busoga Region, Bayola's brother by the names of Kudeba is the Regional FDC  coordinator for the eastern region and national Treasure for FDC.

Looking at the above biography, this could be the reason why most NRM members shunned the Kasiki.

Although there was a boycott, this never stopped the family from organising a church service at their home as they sent off their beloved daughter. 

Mr Bayole is also on the spot for calling himself the grandfather of Busoga "Dhada wa Busoga"

Nicknaming himself "Dhada wa Busoga" has created more conflicts among elders in Busoga. 

Bayola is currently serving as the RDC of Bulambuli but information has it that he is over the moon and planning to resign from the position as soon as his daughter Weds the king.

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