Keddi Foundation Pumps 15000 USD Into The Kyabazinga Royal Wedding Ceremony.

A tune of 56m shillings was contribute towards Kyabazinga's wedding ceremony which is slated 28th Nov 2023. 

According to Keddi foundation CEO Mr Keddi Steven zuluba, he promised to sponsor 4 students at primary and secondary school in the next four financial years and installing four computers at various offices of the Kyabazinga's Headquarters in Bugembe Jinja and also to partner with the kingdom in many activities ahead.

Alhjji Osman Noor Ahmed, the 2nd Deputy Prime Minister of O'bwakyabazinga Bwa Busoga said he would love to know more about the Keddi Foundation to see how they can transform the people of Busoga and thanked Mr. Keddi for it's historical contribution towards the historical wedding.

Brief about the Keddi Foundation.

Keddi Foundation Keddi Foundation exists to provide those in need with opportunity, dignity, and hope so they can possess the tools for change in themselves, their family, and their community. 

It supports all people regardless of ethnicity, gender, race, or religion. We empower the poorest of the poor so they can become agents of change with in their communities. 

Keddi Foundation creates paths out of poverty for vulnerable children and at-risk youth in Uganda and Africa.


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