Lands Minister Judith Nabakooba Lays Down New 10-Year Plan for the National Land Policy.

After 10 years of implementing the Land Policy, the ministry of Lands with support of GIZ-Uganda and European Union commissioned an impact study to assess the implementation of the land policy as per the target and during this workshop, the focus is going to be on identifying the gaps, challenges and emerging issues of implementing NLP.

The workshop is organized under the theme: “Assessing the contribution of the national land policy to the optimal use and management of land resources in Uganda.”

Ms Nabakooba noted that the NLP articulates the role of land in national development, land ownership, distribution, utilization, management and control of land and to ensure that land is used optimal to transform the society from a peasant state to the income middle country.

“The ministry today is overseeing the transformation of cities, urban centers are transitioning into smart cities and sustainable locations," she said.

In the new framework, the minister considers land tenure systems as stipulated under the law that constitutes land allocations, adjudication, the cadastral survey, land registration, land records management and land disputes resolution as one of the key areas to be worked on.

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