Speaker Among to prioritize the fight against gender-based violence.

The Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda, Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among, has promised to prioritize the fight against gender-based violence in Uganda.

Speaker Among:- Fellow Ugandans, Today marks the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence.

The theme for this year’s campaign, “Ending violence against women is possible, but only if we act together, now” couldn’t have come at a better time.

The Police Crime Report of 2022 speaks to a rise in domestic violence, which we have come to know is almost inextricably bound to gender-based violence, and the major victims being women.

For this country to realise the full yield of its human capital, we must all collectively resolve to bring gender-based violence to a steep, abrupt end.

Ours is a duty to classify it as an emergency-out hand-so that we dedicate ourselves fully to its complete eradication.

The pressures of poverty, especially upcountry, and among the urban poor, majorly disadvantages women, making them the point of drawing out society’s frustrations, but sadly, making them candidates for gender based violence.

This, therefore means our efforts are to be two fold: One, fight violence against women with all at our disposal, and also vigorously alleviate poverty, because ultimately, a happier society is peaceful and livable for women.

On behalf of Parliament, I undertake to give priority to any legislation, motion or petition that has the effect of attaining the objective of bringing to an immediate end, violence against women.

I call upon all citizens to be on the lookout for violence against women, and to pull in the same direction, for only when we act together will we end violence against women.

To the women out there suffering in silence, please speak out. Do not yield to patriarchal blackmail and prejudices that seek to normalize violence against women.

The success of these efforts is staked on you speaking out now.

In this year’s campaign, may we all resolve to end violence against women. It’s possible with collective effort.

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