Speaker Among Vows To Suspend Opposition MPS For Boycotting Plenary Sittings.

Speaker Anita Among  has threatened to take action  against Opposition MPs who continue to boycott plenary sittings because of the unresolved concerns on human rights violations, if they miss 15 sittings in the row without seeking permission from her office for their absentia.

And on that note therefore, I am going to evoke the rule on 15 sittings and I want you MPs to come to the House, don’t be deceived that you can walk out. I will count 15sittings," Anita Among.

According to Article (83) of the Constitution, a Member of Parliament may lose his or her seat in any of the following instances; 

On resignation in writing to the Speaker; If he or she subsequently ceases to qualify to be a Member of Parliament;

If he or she is absent from 15 sittings without permission of the Speaker; If he or she is found guilty of violation of the Leadership Code of Conduct; If he or she joins another party or leaves the party and decides to remain an Independent member;

If a member was elected as an independent and joins a party; or on appointment as a public officer

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