UPC commends Gov’t for the revival of the Special Branch unit in Police.

   Sharon Arach - UPC Spokesperson 

The Uganda people’s Congress opposition political party, has commended government for its decision to revive the special branch unit in the Uganda police force.The decision comes as a result of the 27th Police Council meeting that was held at the Police Headquarters in Naguru on Thursday 23rd November 2023.

The Special Branch Unit had in August 2007 been disbanded and its work taken over by the Internal Security Organisation (ISO). It has since taken the country 16 years to revive the Police Special Branch whose work was very critical as far as intelligence and security are concerned in the respective communities as the UPC party spokesperson Sharon Oyat Arach explained.

“It is an institution that had firsthand information on any one, which we believe is vital not only for security purposes, but can also be used in government appointments and vetting processes.” She said

Arach however, urges government to give maximum space and support to the revived police special branch unit so that it can fully execute it’s required duty to the citizens.

“UPC appeals to Government to clearly streamline the role of the Police Special Branch in the intelligence work such that it is not interfered with by other security agencies as well as ensuring that proper resources are made available to facilitate the smooth operation of the Special Branch.” Arach stated

Arach also says, the Electoral violence which is on the increase and other irregularities like ballot stuffing and vote buying would easily be detected and stopped by the Police Special Branch.

She further stressed that, the increasing wave of people who advance their personal interests with forged documents such as land titles and academic certificates could also be demobilized by the Special Branch once it is operationalized hence saving the image of our country.

The role of a Special Branch unit is to acquire and develop intelligence, usually of a political or sensitive nature, and conduct investigations to protect the State from perceived threats of subversion, particularly terrorism and other extremist political activity.

In Regards to the ongoing opposition boycott, Arach called upon the opposition members in parliament to quite boycott and get back to the house if their issues are to be resolved amicably.

“ Let them not forget that they’re there not for themselves, there are people who sent them there and there are people whose needs they need to address in parliament. But by boycotting some of those issues will not be addressed because they will not be able to present them, so let them get back to parliament, listen to the report and also be able to address some of the issues besides what they’re boycotting for.” She said

At the same juncture, she further called for more vigilance and cautiousness amongst the members of the general public, as the festive season edges closer.

“UPC advises both the police and public to be extra alert and more vigilant as well as watching their valuables and movements at nights. Our local councils and their defence should be patrolling their areas of operations.” Arach revealed

According to her, the festive season generates much pressure where money gets more important and scarce, hence paving way for rogue elements within the society to go for stealing sprees of any kind from household levels to business in markets, towns and cities.

Story by: derrick kanalo

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