UPC decries poor drainage systems in the country.

Muzeeyi Faisal - UPC's Head of media & communications

UPC leadership have decried the significant impacts of climate changes which are as a result of increased frequency of extreme weather conditions for example floods which have heavily displaced people and destroyed their crops including property.

As a result they've advised government to put drainage system as top priority while making plans for any road constructions, stating that poor planning of these roads are a major cause of floods especially in the city Suburbs.

Speaking to journalists at their weekly presser in Kampala, the Party's head of communications Muzeyi Faizo expressed his concerns over the alarming situation in the country being brought as a result of the ongoing heavy rains which have caused massive destruction to people's lives and property.

"the country is indeed receiving heavy rains nationwide and causing floods. The latest experience is of River Kafu that burst it’s banks in mengo sub-county in masindi district, washed away the road, leaving it impassable, submerged surrounding villages which left a number of families homeless and destroyed both livestock and crops, more so at this material time when the people are struggling to make ends meet.” He said 

Its upon this context that he implored the government to always look for the mitigation measures in time to combat such disastrous climate changes rather than just falling victims in the future.

"UPC has all long advised the government to be well prepared for such natural disasters given the climate change consequences which are mainly as a result of environmental degradation. All rapid response disaster units need to be fully facilitated and deployed to save lives of our people.” Said Faisal 

In addition, UPC also advised the Uganda national roads authority(UNRA), to always ensure that reconstruction and designing of roads captures the diverse climate change effects which the country and the world are experiencing to avoid double work and it’s related calamities.

It should be remembered that, the Uganda National Meteorological Authority, warned the country of the forthcoming heavy rains across the country during the months of September, October, November and December.

In other developments, the Uganda people’s Congress party also called upon government and the leadership of the opposition side in parliament, to look for viable and peaceful solutions that can benefit both parties and end their grievances regarding human rights violations.

"as UPC we don't think there is any other alternative apart from democratic processes, apart from going into dialogue, apart from constructive engagements with each other. Because we need each other and we need to build a country that can accommodate all of us as citizens of this country Uganda.” Said Faisal 

At the same juncture, Muzeeyi Faisal on behalf of UPC leadership also wished the people of busoga kingdom a successful royal wedding come this weekend.

"His Royal Highness Wilberforce Gabula Nadiope IV, Isebantu is to wed Inhebantu of busoga Her Highness Jovia Mutesi in bugembe Jinja on Saturday 18th November 2023. UPC joins in to celebrate such a great event with the people of busoga and rest of the country. We wish the kingdom a joyful and marvelous royal wedding.” He stated.

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