"4 Core Values For Development In Budadiri West"-Mangali Charles-Politician.


1.Green financing (environmental positive change for generations) 

My name is Namakoola Patrick who happened to be on the team for lobbying and advocating for trees in team Mangali last year in June 2022.Charles and Denison paid   a courtesy visit to Buwasa sub-county after they had wanted to angage the community on the importance of tree planting and the spieces of trees that are friendly to the environment. They partnered with mount Elgon Tree planting enterprise (NGO) that was looking for people to plant trees since this was one of the goals of Mangali because he wanted to see his constituency go green .He played avital role in mobilization and sensitization of people in Buwasa,Bugusege , Buyobo and Busamaga to embrace this program ,much of his emphasis was that most of our areas, trees have been cut down and yet we live in a hilly and mountainous  areas ,trees would act as catchment to hold the speed of flowing rain  water ,provide the communities with fresh air, attracting tourists and holding of our loam soils in order to provide fertile soils for our crops there by increasing food productivity and many other benefits .

Mr. Wotwali Denison Mayatsa the chief political mobilizer of team Mangali said they would like to see tree nursery beds in more sub-counties, so far we have Bumusi Nursery bed in Buyobo, Bulome in Bukiyiti s/c were upper sub-counties would obtain the trees from. Charles used to transport trees to sub-counties, Charles requested the staff of Mt Elgon tree planting enterprise to make another nursery bed in Mafudu S/C to target the lower Sub-counties and it was done. Therefore, we have farmers like Nabende James who took 1000 tree species and planted them and they are doing well, Namakoola and beneficiaries also received trees and they were supplied to over 500 homes   got trees planted them.


I am Sefuma Muhammad the chairperson for football Association of Budadiri West as well as the chairperson LC3 Bukiyi Sub-county.

Mr. Mangali N. Charles is my resident, a lover,fun and  supporter  of ball games.

When our king 111 Umuguga, Mike Jude Mudoma, when Masaza cup started we approached Hon Mangali and he purchased playing materials like balls, cones for tease for different teams. He was the first MP aspirant to come out to show interest. When we were approaching the semi finals he managed to secure jerseys for teams and cones again for tease. This was brought forward by his chief political Mobilizers Mr. Wotwali Denison the Co-Director of Sezi Songo Memorial Nursery and Primary School-Nakaloke Mbale city.

Who said that Mangali loves and encourages the masses to get together for such activities because they bring unity and peace in the communities.This will also help to unite the differences that have existed about Inzu Ya Masaba and make us have new beginnings and working together. Mr.Wotwali added that Mr.Mangali and team will live to embrace social organisations and support them were need be:

For me as the chairman for constituency, l say this is what we want our other leaders to embrace for the unity and Development of our locality  

3. Promotion of government programs and their impact on the community -PDM PROGRAM 

My name is Wotwali Danison Mayatsa –the chief political mobilizer of team Mangali. N Charles. It’s a honour to say from day one, we have been monitoring the progress of PDM activities for sironko district, since it is our area of interest. Mr Henry Baguma has been hosting Mangali N. Charles over how PDM is fairing in Budadiri west.

The positive part of it is that our 21 sub-counties received the first batch of 33million rollout to  the beneficiaries .we have been moving to households in Mafudu ,Buwasa ,Bukiyi and Bugusege and the information is clear.Most of the enterprise groups formed from villages had followed the procedure by implementing the exact projects.Womono Aarone of Mafudu,bwihonje village  bought 4 goats since the group decided to do goat rearing ,Namakoola Patrick and Nabende James are agriculture farmers in Buwasa (buwasa s/c ,we found their gardens with cabbages ready for dispatch and many others had put the funds into better utilization .the only challenge we found was that money could delay and some choose enterprises like maize growing, they were out of the season and had the mismatch and they converted to do other projects ,but on theirs files, Parish chiefs had to change the enterprises for them . We therefore thank Hon Mangali for being proactive and having the curiosity of knowing how his people are progressing in government programs. This will help to push the 39% of Ugandans who are not in the money economy to join. we encourage him to continue with the programs on UBC radio Butebo for our beneficiaries to know that their people concerned about their progress and how to achieve together. Most of our concern now is that all government programs would be like PDM for sure the last person would benefit. We continue to sensitize the masses on mindset change because some people need financial literacy to best manage their enterprises. We encourage other leaders like the PDC (PARISH DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE) to routinely monitor and write reports on the progress of PDM.

As we move forward, we believe Henry Baguma will host us more to throw light in the importance of government programs. 


Greeting from MR Wotwali Denison Mayatsa ,the chief political mobilizer for team Mangali.N.Charles .Our focus is still on community drives  to source funding for key development projects and raising up income for some VSLA groups .Bukiyi church of Uganda (St.Adrews )invited me on behalf of Team Mangali for fund raising to construct the clergy’s house of Residence and our contributions and mobilization of other key stake holders was vital and this helped to raise to a tune of 3.5million for that time .we received another new invitation to Busamaga YEDANA VSLA group that hosts the 17 sub counties of Budadiri west ,since l was a CDO in child fund international, l knew the importance of VSLA groups and how they help communities to resolve financial challenges in house holds ,on behalf of Mangali and team Mr wadiya Stephen ,the chairperson and host welcomed our lessons on group dynamics , financial literacy ,identifying needs and wants and how to spend on priorities and protection of capital and diversification of your income .This VSLA group has invited us again to teach more groups .All this helps to boost family incomes and push communities in money economy .Mr.Mangali N. Charles also to made Sunday school uniforms for Mafudu and Bukiyi church of Uganda and this will be a fulfillment of his pledges ,this aspiring MP for Budadiri west is resurrecting  hopes that had been lost for years since even the ruling government has forgotten that we exist and abandoned the constituency in the hands of opposition. 

We encourage all People of Budadiri west to embrace Mr.Mangali N.Charles ,he could be the new messiah of Budadiri west.


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