Mama Janet Should Critically Look Into Sister Rose Nelima's Issues, Irregularities & Corruption Are Eating Up The Ministry- Journalist Musamali Arnold Freeman.


Sister Rose Nelima Has been frustrated by individuals at the Ministry Most especially the office of the permanent secretary and ministry special needs.
After critically investigating this story, I would like to request the First Lady, who doubles as the Minister of Education and Sports to critically screen up the Ministry. 

The Ministry has top officials involving themselves in corruption and Irregularities resulting in the loss of Government funds.
Apart from corruption, the ministry has frustrated several good-performing head teachers, deputies, and other teachers countrywide.

For example, if you critically dig deeper into sister Rose Nelima's issues, you end up realizing that officials at the Ministry of Education and Special Needs were not getting a kickback from her, hence pushing for her transfer.

Sister Rose Nelima was among the most performing Head teachers in Bugis region, 
Yes, transfers are normal but how was the one of Siser Rose conducted?

For starters, after sister rose failing to give a kickback to officials at the ministry, they opted to have her transferred, and both the Special Needs & Education ministries stage managed a student demonstration.

When things got to parliament, officials from the special needs were grilled and members of parliament made recommendations that blocked the transfers though, the PS at the ministry went ahead to push for the transfer, this indicated that the ministry had self-interests in the school and witch-hunting the head teacher.

A few months to the end of the third term, the head teacher was transferred to a school in Busia, which was not bad, but then it should  be noted that sister Rose rejected the offer because she couldn't stay in a place which had no convent or mission.

After consulting with several catholic priests, I was informed that Catholic nuns are not allowed to stay in the community, ie they can not rent or stay at the school staff quarters. 

according to the information gathered the school she was transferred to had no mission or convent nearer.

In December last year, a stakeholders meeting was held at the state house in Nakasero and it was chaired by Mama Janet Museveni, surprisingly, the Mafias at the ministry had opted not to invite the School for the deaf PTA committee to give its submission.

Eventually, they were tipped off and all of them attended though, the mafia's attempts to block them at the entrance of State houses.
Mama Janet Museveni was surprised when the PTA team exposed the irregularities at the ministry.

Mama grilled the PS on why she had messed up the ministry over personal interests, she went ahead and blamed her over the shum transfers that were made.

After being exposed before her bosses,  the PS has vowed to avenge by transferring sister rose to remote areas as a punishment.

Recently, Sister Rose had been transferred to Nyondo Secondary School which has a Nyondo mission and a convent with free accommodation but out of the blue, the PS again sent there another Headteacher, pending sister Rose Nelima.     

While in One-on-one with Sister Rose, she may opt to resign from duty and serve God due to frustration from the ministry for no reason.

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